A Sense of Poise and Rationality

I was going to post exactly this. I would so bang him regardless.

It’s okay, can’t help it. The vagina wants what the vagina wants. It’s just science.

First off, fuck Subway Jared. He ruined this lady’s life and Subway helped.

I just... don’t get it. Does Jared hold a patent on the $5 Combo Deal or something? What is the point of trying to go to bat for this guy? What does he bring to the business that is so vital that you’d risk covering up a crime so universally abhorrent and repulsive?

Every time ResistBot asks if I want to add something I want to put “fuck you.”

A very casual acquaintance knows her (went to college together) and she’s only said a little bit about Ms. McLauglin...but this has devastated her entire life and family. I hope she wins.

Mills reported that the CEO Moody told her: “Please don’t tell me anymore. Don’t worry, he has met someone. She is a teacher and he seems to love her very much, and we think she will keep him grounded.”

What? Why would you go to Dr. Phil about your kid stealing cars?! That makes even less sense than Cash Me Outisde.

Perpetrators of rape frequently do not consider their own actions to be rape. They think that their target being too intimidated or intoxicated to verbally or physically resist means what they’re doing is okay. If you’re not aware that this is the case, read the news once in a while. Your attitude that “taking steps

Is it really that hard to find an extortionist? Don’t they have to identify themselves at least a little to get paid? Even if we’re just talking, like, where to send the money, is it really that hard to follow the thread from there?

The great lie of Lindsey Graham is that he’s a maverick cut from the same cloth as John McCain when in reality, he’s Diet Jeb Bush.

I think Dems in 2018 need to put out scare tactics when campaigning. Repeat after me: Republicans want to take away your health care. Republicans want to take away your Social Security. Over and over and over. This needs to be the Democratic mantra until Republicans stop trying to repeal ACA.

Here’s an anti-rape gadget that I think would work pretty well: robust educational curricula regarding consent and sexual autonomy.

abortions are banned, pregnancy is per-existing condition, so are kids, you are welcome. Well so as cancer.

Guys, I know we’re all tired. I’m tired. But we have to keep calling. Use ResistBot to fax, call when you can. We can’t let this pass without a fight.

On the sole condition that none of them ever pass, I am quite happy to see Republicans spend the next 1.5 years shooting themselves in the dick by continuing to try and fail to repeal the ACA. One, it exposes them as completely incompetent. Two, as long as they’re wasting time on failure they’re not doing more damage

In Brandi’s opinion, this is bill “looks worse” than the other repeal bills that failed in the Senate. “Which is surprising,” she added. “I didn’t think it could get any worse.”

I really don´t think you do understand how godawful the process is. I’ve been through what most would probably consider the most ideal (if anything can be ideal in such a circumstance) process with the police and even that was horrible and traumatic. My attacker was caught in the act and the witness who called the

Yup, because being raped is a career, huh? Because women “allow” themselves to be raped all the time, in order to become rich, right?

Agreed. I’m tired of people linking things together. I can believe she’s a garbage person. I can also believe Fox is a garbage network. And I can also feel horrible this happened to her.