A Sense of Poise and Rationality

Yes!! I mean sharing a life with another human is hard enough without having the whole dang family trying to get up in your life too. Gah, the guy I thought I was going to marry had this ULTRA religious weirdo family, and my then-boyfriend made me pretend like I wasn’t a flaming atheist and go to church with them and

I don’t think we know LW’s gender, but their partner who isn’t dealing with her crappy sister is a “girlfriend”.

This is the advice I wanted to see. If fiancee really wants her sister there, maybe offer to pay for a babysitter (and provide a place for babysitter to watch those kids). That may be why she’s saying she’s going to bring them in the first place. A babysitter for 4 kids that young isn’t going to be cheap, so that’s

Another option would be to spring for a babysitter and tickets to Bounce Land or Chuck E Cheese for all the kids, and guilt her into accepting the gift. She’ll know it’ll make her look like a total asshole if she still brings her kids to the wedding (thereby refusing a nice gesture), and it will make the letter writer

Kids do not need to be at every event, and they don’t want kids at the wedding, so yeah, it would be ruined. A guest doing that is rude and a sociopath. The wedding planner hired a bouncer/guard for us because we had two relatives threatening to do the same thing. The wedding was in a historic building, and was a

This isn’t simply “kids at a wedding”. This is 4 children, ages 3 and under, who might have disabilities from what they were exposed to in-utero and are frequently bounced between their mother and other family members. Through no fault of their own the children could be horribly behaved brats, and I think the LW was

And especially if you’re only inviting 30 people—then I think it’s really okay to be quite picky about whom you invite.

Yeah. I find it really weird that Jane didn’t say anything about the gf doing this shit herself.

Why in the shit was she invited in the first place? How is she not already disowned by the entire family? To an event for 30 in a small, high-end venue? You fuckin’ kidding me? You are basically asking for an on-site, reality-show-worthy scene just by sending that invite to begin with. In the smart alternate reality,

Howard Taft really got the short end of the stick history-wise. He was an incredibly intelligent, diligent, and ethical man who only really ever wanted to be a judge (but his wife and Teddy Roosevelt wanted bigger things for him, hence running for president). He’s also the only person to have lead two branches of the

A solid chunk of Showgirls’ buzz was created by an abruptly NC-17 Jessie Spano, so I can’t imagine its getting as much attention with an unknown actress in the role. Plus, the acting would’ve been at least competent, thus completely eliminating the glorious trainwreck appeal. I, for one, am glad the movie turned down

oh man this is so true. back when my both of my brothers had S.O.s (one of them separated, she didn’t like, die, fear not...) they had ALL SORTS OF PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE EMOTIONAL SHIT going on because they (1) lived across the street from each other and (2) worked together. How this MANIFESTED though, since they can’t

That would have been a very different movie.

I generally agree, but I find it rather strange that the letter never once mentions how his/her fiancée feels about this situation considering that this is her sister. We know the LW feels the sister is a user and a nightmare and would rather she not come at all if she insists on bringing her children with her, but

Old person rant: when my brothers and I were children (up the age of 12 or so), we didn’t go to any effing weddings except when I was a flower girl and I certainly didn’t stay the entire reception. In my mind, allowing children at weddings is an ultimate act of mercy and angelic kindness on the part of the bride and

When my sister got married, one of her husband’s groomsmen asked if he and his wife could bring their infant (about 6 months old). They said no, no kids invited. He tried to make a case about not being able to separate the kid from his mother during breastfeeding. They said, sorry, then you won’t be able to be in the

I rather like the idea of a bouncer, with strict instructions to keep out that horrible woman and her kids.

Families are so frickin hard when it comes to this junk though. And if they do have to ask her and her brood to leave, the narrative then becomes, “Bride and Groom were SOOO MEANNN to poor Pam and her widdle bayyyyyyyyybees!”

For the first letter, why the ever living fuck can’t the LW’s fiance/fiancee tell the sister not to bring the kids? Like, on the phone. Why is it the LW’s job? Or, why not have a family friend tell her at the wedding, if she brings the kids, not to let her in?

I know who my husband looks at, but he doesn’t rubberneck. This guy sounds like the wolf from Looney Tunes.