A Sense of Poise and Rationality

“And attacking the war hero with terminal brain cancer is not a good look”

You’d think our leaders could at least offer our children a modest proposal.

The ire doesn’t matter to any of them. Murkowski is basically royalty in Alaska (she won reelection as a writein candidate after a Tea Party candidate beat her in a primary and the GOP leadership tried to force her out). Collins is one of the most popular Senators in the entire country. There isn’t that much that

That’s what bothers me the most about this. This was all Murkowski and Collins’ baby, and McCain just happens to be along for the ride. I do honestly feel that it comes down to having zero fucks to give. Enough of the GOP wanted a fall guy, he won’t be around next year (more than likely), and he probably enjoyed the

I can’t decide how I feel about this. I am furious that McCain is getting all the credit when it was Murkowski and Collins who have been opposed all along (though their reasons for opposing it differ from mine, but at this point, whatever), while he has had no problems screwing people over on health care before this.

John Mulaney has a bit in one of his standup specials where he says that he grew up before children were special, and I know what he means. I was often allowed to just sort of do as I pleased, and those days are over. However, I think we now live in a time in which only one’s own children have any value. Other

Yup. While I’m not a super huge fan of Collins and Murkowski, they’re the ones with the brass ovaries to consistently take a stand on this. They’re the ones that deserve the credit here.

Collins and Murkowski were threatened with gun violence and had their constituents threatened by the president of the United States. McCain is on his way out for cancer treatment. It was the very least he could do.

The cynical perspective is that EVERYONE knows how bad this was and letting McCain, a man from a purple state who has a lot of sympathy right now because of the cancer diagnoses and will not live to the end of his term, be the deciding vote to give the other 49 Repubs cover to say they did what they said they would do

That song was the SHIT!!!!.... “ Ghetto Superstar” was her best banger tho

Shit, now I’ll be listening to Case of the Ex on repeat all day.

If it was, they’re obviously over it now. Friends was a long time ago and Jen could do with an award winning tv show.

I don’t care what it is, anymore. All I care is that it is all fucking hopeless, no one who can fix it will, and I can’t take it.

Ugh. I will never get the image of Stev Bannon attempting to suck his own cock out of my head. Probably happened here.

“Anthony Scaramucci, a finance bro who is now, for no apparent reason, paid to represent the White House and president of the United States of America, used the word “cock” exactly three times—and “fuck” a total of six times—in a rather incredible rant to The New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza on Wednesday night.”

According to the full story, they had only been aboard for 6 hours before he killed her. That makes me think he had every intention of killing her and dumping her body in the ocean. Why he would do it in front of their children or anyone else I can’t fathom, but it seems a little too convenient that mere hours after

And the wrong one is still alive.

Jesus, those poor kids just lost both parents. Horrible.

Literally a Margaret Atwood quote come to life.