A Sense of Poise and Rationality

Oh, man. Your poor mother. And I can only imagine, back in the old days, when there were no internet forums, few support groups (if any), and no one to talk to - she must have felt so isolated in her grief. Please tell her an internet stranger is sending her love. <3

The complete lack of realistic privacy is why we should all be freaked out by any threat to pre-existing conditions protections.

I can’t believe where we’re at, when the LGBT community’s rights are actually being protected by some of the worst human beings in our country. Senators McCain, Shelby (from Alabama!), pig-castrating Joni Ernst, Mormon Orrin Hatch, and we can add Susan Collins, Murkowski and Dean Heller, too! (and I don’t think I have

This may be a bit off topic, but for some reason I’m on a mailing list for the elderly. I keep getting information from the AARP, packages about Medicare, information on reverse mortgages. Guys I’m 27.

I speak Spanish. I am an immigrant. When I updated my Facebook status to married I instantly saw an add for “battered spouse visa”. I no longer use Facebook for that and other similar reasons.

Apparently a company that compiles good old fashioned mailing lists recently determined I’m pregnant. (I’m not now, never have been, hopefully never will be.) First I got a target baby coupon, then the package of formula from Similac and a book of coupons, and then another flier from pampers with coupons. I don’t know

So, so this.

I have friends who have children, and I *used* to purchase/look at baby gifts - clothes, diapers, strollers, etc. on line. I was flooded with advertising for all things baby-related, even though I was looking at items for other people. I can’t deal with the onslaught, so I started to shop in stores, or send my

I was making jokes on Twitter about the Emoji movie and now I have ads for the Emoji movie in Spanish. I don’t speak Spanish.

Same thing happened to me via The Bump app: started tracking around 6 weeks, had a miscarriage 2 weeks later, then a big ol’ box of formula about when I would have given birth. I had just gotten to the point of not crying every day when it arrived and it just absolutely fucking broke me. I’m still furious about it.

This is what I’ve always found hilarious about people who go online on Facebook and Twitter and complain about the government knowing about them.

If they’re like Cain and Able, is the Mooch planning to kill Priebus?

I have a strong suspicion that all this Moochiness is working just as intended. For all the “paying too much attention to Russia” shaming the left does to itself, ad nauseum, people can really only really pay attention to a couple of things at a time. Mooch saying crazy shit about palace intrigue has, in-fact, pushed

The only ones that are not exhausted by this administration seems to be this administration. I gotta get a hold of their uppers.

I’m Jewish. Half of those folk think I killed Jesus.

Promoting Christian freedom abroad. Freedom to persecute women, LGBT, and pretty much everyone according to Biblical principals. Just how evangelicals have been promoting Christianity in African countries.

It seems like Trump had his Crazy Evangelical Day today. First with the anti-trans stuff, then tweeting about worshiping God, now this with Brownback.

10-1 odds this position turns into a government-approved Christian missionary role within a year.

45K sounds really low! I’m sure they must be covering all of her living expenses for the term of the pregnancy, but still.

Someone who says that about Bill Cosby doesn’t deserve to wear Moana pajamas.