A Sense of Poise and Rationality

Yeah, this was a thing that really happened. A woman I know was in New York and in her early 20s during the time, and mentioned the Son of Sam killings when she shared some pictures of herself, about half of which showed her with long black hair and the other half of which were taken after a pixie cut and a lot of

When you’ve got a serial killer whose victims look eerily similar, surviving women DO take steps to avoid fitting the type! When you look at the gallery of victims with the samelong dark center-parted hair, it would’ve been impossible not to get rattled if you wore your hair like that— and long, loose center-parted

So... how do you know when you are having a genuine religious experience and when you are having a psychotic break?

his neighbor’s possessed dog for telling him to carry out the murders.

“I don’t believe David Berkowitz is a psychopath. Out of his troubled childhood evolved this evil persona. In regards to whether he was born or made, he was made. Compare this with Ted Bundy who was a born psychopath.”

You missed the best (worst) part, how she decided to cast the film. Such a great humanitarian:

I’m very concerned about this “A number of doors to the house are open, as if posing some riddle from a fairy tale—which one to enter?” this supposed to be good writing?? This is something a high school student in an after school writing intensive program would write. I should know, I was one. Thankfully, I

My state has one clinic too, so it’s easy to wrap my head around it. They want to make sure that anyone who doesn’t live within a couple of hours of that clinic and isn’t rich is completely unable to access it, which makes this even more evil.

Using “creamy-white” three times in the same paragraph disturbs me on a visceral level.

She’s the horniest 9-year-old I’ve ever seen.

I don’t know all of the specifics (although there’s a bit more information in the linked article), but I can definitely think of a few—different requirements for handling and disposing of fetal tissue that may be cost-prohibitive for existing facilities, for starters.

Current Missourian here. I want you all to wrap your heads around the fact that they spent a significant amount of time and money working on this legislation to control the ONE abortion clinic left in the state. One. ONE.

It’s hard to believe her as a distraught housewife; she still comes off as the babysitter. I know she’s a grown, adult woman, but.. no honey. I’m sure there’s a a huge market for bratty, sexy teen; don’t know why she can’t stay in her lane.

Bored housewife? I’ve seen better...

Thandie Newton, in the article, said that the assault scene in Crash was “really sketchily laid out” in the script and the director basically sprung the details on her the day they shot it. If I were her, or her scene partner, I would be beyond livid.

Wow, so part of me is super happy to know that someone is there to look out for the actors in these scenes,but I am super bummed that rape is used in film often enough for it to be necessary.

I knew it. And even if I hadn’t, I probably could’ve guessed from the root and context. I assume she used it because it made the sentence more lyrical. I noted and approved of the diction for that reason. We have all these nice words that rarely get used. No harm in having to look something up. It’s how we learn!

Do you know ANYONE that was pulled over 52 times for legit purposes and kept their license? <- ANSWER THAT QUESTION before you reply to me...if your answer is yes, I’ll back down. Most likely the answer is no. No one gets pulled over that many times for actual reasons and keeps their license. Phillando was targeted

Are you joking? I mean at best Philando Castile was a horrible driver who had been pulled over at least 52 times! This woman was shot in her pajamas helping ducks. WTF is wrong with you?

I don’t disagree with the substance of the article other than the really shaky use of the victim’s lawyer’s opinion about her relative innocence as the anchor, as if he’s speaking for society at large. He’s her advocate and should be expected to say those types of things as part of his advocacy. All attorneys do