A Sense of Poise and Rationality

He probably falls asleep in front of the TV (where Fox talking heads’ nonsense sinks subliminally into Trump’s two remaining brain cells—after which he thinks they were his own ideas) and then has to wake up for a middle of the night pee (which probably takes FOREVER, because he’s an old, old man) at which time he

He truly is the worst, but to include him here, the Jezebel staff would have had to look up the names of any of his albums, and that’s not a fair thing to ask of anyone.

A man who’s never had to pay for his own health insurance leaving his deathbed to make sure millions of people lose theirs. I’m an atheist, but this sort of thing makes me wish there was some sort of post-death judgement and punishment/reward.

John McCain leaving his deathbed to vote on a bill that would conceivably put millions of citizens on deathbeds of their own, is particularly galling Especially this is all to enable the agenda of Trump; a guy who dodged the draft, yet was fine to mock McCain’s service.

*Scans list*

If it makes you feel better on the Berenstein Bears Earth President Biden is working on wrapping up peace in the Middle East. Something he has been able to focus on in his first term after President Gore stopped the massive terrorist attack bin Laden was planning and President Obama handled global climate change.

My insurance rates are going to get jacked up, people are gonna get thrown off their coverage, innocent mothers with American children who have blamelessly worked and paid taxes are being deported, the planet is going to burst into flames, and there seems to be little I can do about it. I guess I will at least get a

Oh, thank goodness. Where do I call to volunteer to feed people living in churches or whatever? Even if I believed that immigration was wrong, I would do this just to fuck the KKKeebler Elf up! I am rapidly losing my patience and even my tolerance for these people and their horrible racism and sexism and feudalism.

John McCain lost his last chance to actually be a maverick rather than simply call himself one. He might have secured his name for the ages had he stood up to the bully and said ‘no.’

this feels sorta like when you break up with your boyfriend, and he fills your apartment with flowers to show you that he deserves a second chance.

Massachusetts is now a sanctuary state. Come at us, asshole.

She seems like she’s probably a nice lady, but she speaks as if the entire country has been breathlessly waiting for her to come back. She had one song that hit #22 on the charts. Who is even recognizing her?

He’s what you call a two-bagger: one bag to put over his face, and another one to put over your own head in case his falls off.

Context matters - it’s not like Collins randomly commented on his looks, it was her response to him challenging her to a duel. If a male Congressperson was threatened with violence by a fellow Representative and he responded by mocking her appearance, there wouldn’t be a huge rush to defend her - everyone would be too

I am a big big fan of calling ugly men in power ugly. People have been so cruel to women for centuries, it is time for men to feel just as ugly as they are. That man is disgusting looking and he should live in a basement and never see the light of day.

Mine has been that McCain would realize that the rest of the country deserves the same opportunity for care that he’s receiving, and that he would come and hold out with a plea to his party to work together with the other party to find a solution and guilt them into it.

“I don’t mean to be unkind, but he’s so unattractive it’s unbelievable.”

I’m not one to advocate violence but I’d love to see Susan Collins walk up behind Farenthold and cold cock him with a baseball bat, then shout at him “Get up, fat boy! You gonna let a girl get the best of you?” then “Any of you other loooosers want a piece of me? Yeah, didn’t think so!”

Good burns, I’ll admit. The best burn would be continuing to oppose the healthcare bill today. That would be a sick burn.

“Well, he’s huge,” Collins replies. “And he — I don’t mean to be unkind, but he’s so unattractive it’s unbelievable.”