A Sense of Poise and Rationality

We only get a half hour lunch. So, I mostly eat at my desk. It’s just enough time to run to a restaurant, pick something up, and come back. We can be late, just work late, but I’d rather get off that half hour earlier than have an hour lunch. Occasionally, I pick up, and eat while working.

My friend’s 12 year old got suspended from school the day after Election Day. The bully in the class walked up to her (Muslim) friend and started taunting him that he was going to be deported. My friend’s daughter walked up to the bully and punched him right in the face. Her mom took her out for ice cream when she

I don’t know if I think it’s the shitiest, but it’s among the most alarming. The reason for the institutional respect for the presidency that has built up over the years is the shared assumption that the president is a decent person, or at least has enough wherewithal and self-control to PLAY as a decent person, and

Of all the shitty, SHITTY things he has done, I actually think this could take the cake — at least right now. The fact that he said this shit in front of children, unchecked by anyone in authority at BSA, is just silent approval for the terrible things he said in his speech. If the BSA really didn’t endorse this shit,

Or eat at your desk, but do whatever you want to do. Watch youtube, re organize your app collection on your phone, etc. Then people think you’re working through lunch...

That’s what I tell to my unicorn everyday because he gets so scared.

Dear ERW: There are no ghosts, spirits, demons, vampires, werewolves, gods, witches, jiangshi, jinn, trickster gods, yeti, Old Ones or any other such nonsense. Someone scammed you with that trinket. 

My hope is that Senator McCain votes ‘no’ because it would be his ultimate ‘fuck you’ to Trump.

I think that may come from believing there’s no benevolent god you can ask for forgiveness and feel you get it. A bad atheist has to live with the weight of the evil they do until they atone somehow. Why do the wrong thing if you’re then the only person who can make it right.?

Wouldn’t be funny if atheist get a “heaven” ticket? I was raised as born again Christian and left it on my mid twenties and by god since then I’m a better person, I actually care about my fellow humans, the planet and animals... atheist can be way more caring and less judgmental, just the way Jesus would’ve want it.

Seriously, I don’t get why this is such a struggle.

Senator McCain, now is your time to shine.

There’s a deep dive blood test that can be done for herpes that will tell you for sure. I used to work in a doctor’s office and there was this amazing NP. I say amazing because women would come in with chronic pain in their lady bits, sometimes for years, and have all these random diagnoses. Although they’d never had

Ummm, yes it is.

Maybe inflated, but if you include ALL types then maybe not so much. Also adding that since it’s not included in annual paps or regular STI testing people think they’re “fine” when tests come back all clear even though they’ve never been tested. As far as “it’s just a rash” depends on the person. I’ve been infected

I’m wondering how she even ‘knows’ he gave it to her. From the way the story is reported it sounds like she’s had no symptoms, but got tested because it became public he had it and then she came up positive. I don’t think the test can tell when you got it, so she could have had it without symptoms for years. This is a

Totally agree. If someone unknowingly passes an STI then I don’t think they should be held liable. But if someone knows and lies or doesn’t disclose before having sex, yes that person deserves to be sued and owes damages.

And, if he had just disclosed that he has it, she could have made the decision whether or not to have sex with him, and that would probably have been the end of it. But since he lied (lying by omission is still lying), now the whole world knows he has herpes, and he has to defend against a lawsuit.

Trump doesn’t give a shit about what nuns think. In his mind they’re all just broads who were too ugly to find a husband.