A Sense of Poise and Rationality


Only toadies with this kind of shit-slimed resume will be nominated from now on because anybody with any kind of actual experience or honor won’t come within six states of Dump.

One little talked about effect of our current horribleness is that Trump is so toxic, anyone who’s actually good at their jobs won’t take a job in the administration so B and C level talent are going to be running things even after he’s gone

Christopher “Mothman” Wray

Wray originally held the position of assistant attorney general under George W. Bush and more recently served as Chris Christie’s attorney for the Bridgegate debacle.

Good thing that hawk Shrillary isn’t in office, we might be on the verge of another war if that were the case.

Like we have a coherent Syria policy. Even anti-Iran hawks are starting to get nervous that the Trump administration is too incompetent to carry out their (really bad) plans. Strangely enough I agree with them; it’d be bad to march into war, but if we’re going to do it lets have a plan instead of just

Really? Granted, he’s going through a hard time, but I would think that 53 is fairly well on the mark.

There’s just one problem with that: the moderates always cave.

For the cynical play to work, the bill needs to pass quickly enough to actually be in place by fall 2018. The people that need to be angry won’t be until they actually lose their insurance. Until then, it’s all academic, and they aren’t much for hypotheticals.

Unfortunately, based upon the extreme cognitive dissonance non-genuinely rich GOP voters have shown up to this point, no matter how bad the GOP makes things for them they will still blame it on the libtards and continue voting against their own self interest. Because fox news and am talk radio will tell them to.

Well, maybe 95%. : ( Their scope of interest has narrowed tremendously since the Reagan years. They would be perfectly happy if middle mangers, lawyers, accountants, and professional athletes were struggling along with everyone else.

THIS IS THE REAL VILLAIN.....and I wish more people knew this. 45 is just a useful idiot...a temporary bull in the china shop...we can sweep up his damage.

Honey, I feel you. I do not think I have felt this low, politically, since right after the election. The Supreme Court’s decision today on a temporary reinstatement of Cheeto Hitler’s travel ban is just so depressing, I can’t even tell you.. And I’m not even that invested in that issue personally. But it speaks to

Why not just eliminate the middle-man and let Donnie Jr. and Eric just hunt poors?

I really don’t think McConnell has the votes to get this passed. It alienates the few remaining moderates and then there’s the assholes like Ted Cruz who won’t vote for it because it’s not evil enough.

I am going to love the sticker shock Schadenfreude for all the Appalachia Trump supporters from my neck of Ohio (where he won 75% of the vote.) You get the government you deserve.

“We call them the funinsured because they can use all that money they’re not wasting on insurance on booze to make their last days on earth go faster!”

Only 22 million? That’s not good enough, the GOP won’t rest until it’s 220 million dying because of no insurance!