A Sense of Poise and Rationality

This should be waiting for me when I get home. I shall do nothing but toss the DVD into the player and watch. Release all the video footage and I will be there. I will give all of my money. Watching Prince perform live was perfection, it was being in the presence of unbridled JOY.

I love reading on itchy grass, holding a cup high wearing a crown of flowers.

Summer is officially here, and with any luck, that means you’ll have a little more free time to spend catching up on

Those are sarcasm/dismissive quotes.

Cosby also miraculously recovered and didn’t seem to need any of his human seeing-eye dogs on the way out of the courthouse after the mistrial. The whole frailty thing was such bullshit.

Honest question that I am not putting well, may not make sense - when Mr. Trump uses quotation marks does he think that it is a way to show in writing that he is being funny, sarcastic, something, or that it means he can type whatever he wants, that the words within the quotation marks do not actually mean anything?

Just like OJ who was happy that white people didn’t see him as the n-word. It ain’t the black community that old Bill and his legal team are interested in reaching.

Profit, not to mention rebuilding his image as Uncle Tom, the “good” black who doesn’t put up with that gangsta shit and those comedians who swear.

Sounds good to me. Let a woman (finally) strike this bastard down.

Didn’t his lawyers try to halt the trial because he is going blind and he is frail? How quickly someone bounces back when there is a profit to be made.

From CNN:

The Earth has a limited amount of resources and some people are not deserving of them. We need an Old Testament or Greek god right now because there are people who need smiting.

so this ‘no tapes’ announcement means one of two things:

He knows we can see his tweets, right? No one was talking about tapes of his talks with Comey until he FUCKING TWEETED ABOUT IT. FUCK.

So, health care bill: will it pass the Senate/reconciliation? Will that be enough to take enough of a bite out of [the current occupant of the White House]’s favorability ratings - hovering at 38% - to get impeachment onto the table?

Although I suspect everyone assumed Donald was lying about the tapes.

I think the most hilarious thing about the “tapes/no tapes” thing is that 45 (inadvertently, obviously) pretty much made sure that no one questioned Comey’s testimony. Because Comey (and the general public) were under the impression that there were tapes of their conversation, Comey now had incentive not to lie about

40,000 kids are the victims of sexual abuse in NY State EVERY GODDAMN YEAR.

The Catholic Conference and the Boy Scouts continued lobbying to oppose the legislation, trotting out the same old argument: that its passage would open a floodgate of litigation that would inevitably bankrupt parishes, schools, and other institutions.

Are you really surprised? They’re nuts up there, which is why they have this lunatic as their congressman. SMH.