A Sense of Poise and Rationality

They’ll deny the protesters were really disabled, and assume it was all a big staged protest, with participants paid for by The Left.

The optics of pulling people from their wheelchairs is simply staggering in its awfulness. Yet Trump supporters (who will undoubtedly be affected in large numbers) will put on their stupid MAGA hats and cheer Donnnie on, while he simultaneously pushes their heads deeper into a shit-filled trench.

I am so sorry. I can’t believe they put you (the victim! not the perp!) in a holding cell. I have no words.

Jesus. I’m so sorry.

See, the difference between them and REAL poor people is that they just have had bad luck whereas poor people are lazy. They work hard and WOULD be rich if only the system wasn’t rigged against them because of NAFTA or something. Poor people are stupid (but also somehow smart enough to fleece the welfare system so

Can I throw up now? Why don’t we just build a time machine and go back to pre-Dickens London, where urchins begged in the streets and people worked 60 to 80 hour weeks for low wages in terrible and often dangerous conditions, so men like Trump could live in wealth and comfort, and did not have to work hard

I loved his miraculous eyesight and walking recovery as soon as he got up to leave.

Sometimes I really find it hard not to think that in sexual assault cases if an accused decides to plead not guilty and take the case to trial, they should be required to testify. None of this “no case to answer” bullshit. Your lawyer gets to cross-examine the complainant? That’s cool, the prosecution get to

Really no point in him attending domestic violence prevention classes. The point where he could have been prevented from committing DV has long since passed.

Someone get Bella Thorne an IV with a bag of lactated Ringer’s, because she’s THIRSTY.

That’s so odd. I’ve never been to Texas, but I immediately think Branch Dividians and fireball when I hear Waco.

“After killing the mobster with an M1911 Harry realised that life had really gone downhill after leaving Hogwarts with no qualifications.”

Vagina of Sauron.

I mean, come on.

Did you tell him that if the Trump/Pence/GOP Congress Axis of Misogyny gets its way, you won’t be able to “fix your private parts and calm down”?

They sell cheesecake. The place could be covered with black velvet Elvis posters and Thomas Kinkade paintings and I would still go there.

Holy fuck. As Sheesh said, congrats on not assaulting him. I don’t think I would have been able to control myself. What a fucking asshole.

Against women having sex, specifically. It’s an anti-woman movement, not a pro-life movement.

But even if birth control is being used solely as contraception, if your stance is “pro-life,” you should be pro-birth control access. Last year’s abortion rates were the lowest they had ever been since the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973.