A Sense of Poise and Rationality

Or maybe he would. Someone that hateful could be deeply closeted.

Of course, he’d probably show up in drag to hide his ID, and now I’m laughing and puking at the image of him in drag.

Jeff Sessions is caught stonewallin’. That said, he’ll never be caught dead at Stonewall In’

“Killing an independently living creature with a beating heart and little intelligence or self-awareness is morally fine. Killing a parasitically living creature with a beating heart and little-to-no intelligence or self-awareness is therefore...not OK?” He’s really not helping his point at all.

She’s a perfect example of what’s wrong with our culture’s Caucasian beauty standard. Her beauty is just blond hair + fair skin + slimness + $$$$ for makeup and grooming. She paid all that money for that nose, and it is a bad nose. The only way she’ll get better with age is if she gets more work done, and that won’t

I’m utterly ashamed of myself for wanting to LOL. Thank you.

I’m sorry for your sister. I tried to argue this one time with an anti-choice douche who showed up to a Save ACA rally and he basically refused to believe these things happen. He called them “miscarriages.” A miscarriage is technically an abortion, not the other way around. Your sister would literally have to keep

I’m so sorry for your family’s loss. I hope your sister has a speedy recovery.

If anything, I think this makes the point to keep abortion legal. You can do whatever you want to a chicken, because it’s not a full grown human. Save for a fetus.

It’s a coded threat to nasty women: God gave us man dominion over life (women’s lives). He allows us (men) to raise animals (women) properly and care for them and then process them for food so we can sustain life (not a perfect analogy, but wouldn’t put it past him).

My sister had to get an abortion a couple days ago because my future niece no longer had a heartbeat. I’m now especially pissed at asshats who think she should’ve been forced to carry a dead fetus for a while and would love to develop some kind of fantastical technology that would let them do it and see how they like

That’s how. Argument complete.

God gave man dominion over woman, who is supposed to cook the chicken.

God gave us man dominion over life. He allows us to raise animals properly and care for them and then process them for food so we can sustain life. And that’s what I’m doing here with this chicken.

I never, ever again want to hear another right-wing tool lecturing us about how we’re a meritocracy in this country when Ivanka and others like her, especially her dad, born with a silver foot in their mouths and completely brainless and talentless, keep failing upwards. The only skill these people have is grifting

I guarantee Ivanka will address this with that calm, pseudo-thoughtful, breathy cadence she has, and then go to bed with its $5,000 linens and sleep peacefully, giving not a solitary fuck about the issue