A Sense of Poise and Rationality

Andrea is a lesbian so she wouldn’t have any romantic feelings for Cosby. Remind me Diana, did they highlight her sexual orientation enough to get that point across?

Hell, even is she actually was interested, sexually, in the gross old man, that doesn’t mean he can drug her nor penetrate her against her will. Husbands can rape wives.

You would be instructed that is improper. However, you being a human, it would be a very difficult instruction to follow, as the point you raise is a common sense one. That’s what made this closing argument so absurd, it is a plain invitation to the jury to ignore that instruction.

“It is sickening what happened here.”

Yeah, but even allowing that the job of a defense attorney is to defend their client, this is a terrible way to go about it.

I’m sorry. “She knew he was sexually interested in her and went anyway” does not fucking mean “he had every right to drug and rape her.” There are people who hang out with people they know would love to bone them all the time. See, in a civilized society, we should be safe in those situations because the other person

Move over there, when you find a cute little place to live and be happy, sell the husband and let him figure out the rest while you sip a fine brandy and toast to the setting sun with a good book.

“Foxwoods: Its almost like not losing? Or being raped.”

I honestly wish we could make a backup White House and Fox News sound stage and just transport them all there. They can make up successes to tell to their friends at Fox, Fox will report it back to them as actual news, and then they can watch it and report back to Fox News about the great press all their achievements

Foxwoods: Come for the rape; stay for the loose slots?

He didn’t attack Constand’s credibility. He attacked the credibility of sexual assault victims. He attacked the behaviors that expert testimony was provided saying is typical of sexual assault victims. There was nothing to suggest Constand is dishonest is any other way than attacking those exact behaviors/statements.

“I’m solving the opioid crisis!”

So the defense’s entire argument is “She lied,” but Cosby himself wouldn’t take the stand to tell his side of the story? I’ve never served on a jury and so I don’t know if I would be instructed that this is improper, but I think if I were serving on this jury I would find that... just a little interesting.

“I am getting bored. Can we switch off for a while? You pretend to fix the schools while I pretend bring back non-existent jobs?”

I’m trying to find out if my husband qualifies for the 4 year grants for climate scientists to live and work in France with no no restrictions on their spouse working. He works in environmental remediation, so probably not, and it would be a logistical nightmare to sell all the stuff we own and move to France, but a

When I was a kid I just played house, not ruined a continent (please can we just keep it to the one continent? Please!) 

“We are still going to be leaders in the world when it comes to the climate, but we are not going to be held hostage to some executive order that was ill-thought-out. My hats off to you for taking that stand and sending a clear message around the world,” said Energy Secretary Rick Perry, who was previously in favor

They seem to be confused and think they’re in some sort of West Wing LARP situation, or playing in a Fantasy White House Politics league. This is not Model UN, guys. This is Real UN, where you actually have to DO stuff instead of just talking real good about it with your buddies.

This defense is the logical extension of Cosby’s respectability politics bullshit. I only worry the jurors will fall for it.

“Why would you go???? Was it double rewards card that gets you double the payout on Tuesday? Or is it Fifth Harmony, two shows on June 15, 7 p.m.? Just why???”