A Sense of Poise and Rationality

If he does go, all of Scotland needs to organize a protest. Those guys can throw insults around like no one else on earth. I really want to hear tens of thousands of people calling him a cunt.

Also, police in the U.K. (and the rest of the civilized world, which no longer includes America) don’t bring the hammer down on protesters the way they do here. Sure, someone will post a link to an article about a cop in London roughing up a protester after I’ve posted this, but with nowhere near the frequency and

Donald is fucking broke, %100, but don’t forget the rest of the family. Little Kushy Jared has that $1.8 billion hole in the ground called “666 Fifth Avenue.” The dipshit paid that still-record-holding amount of money for the property in late 2007, juuuuust before the worldwide economic collapse. Everyone laughed at

“Ex Offender Registry” is a really intriguing idea....

I know! The nice thing about the Special prosecutor is that they can subpoena his tax returns. I am chilling a bottle of Sauterne for this very occasion!

You know, there’s no downside to this story! Either he has to stay here, which is annoying for us, but will also irritate him, and make him feel stressed and accelerate his upcoming stroke. Or, he’ll go to Great Britain, and encounter thousands upon thousands of people flipping him the bird and holding up rude and

The Mueller investigation will make him wish he never ran for president. Just like they did Clinton, once they start investigating, they start investigating everything.

This is my goal in life. To push him and push him until he snaps like a dry twig.

If we hurt his feelings enough, will he cancel his US visit?

A show with the goal of getting people to hook-up is cancelled when two people on said show hook-up. Um, what?

I think it’s probably fair to say that their entitlement is strong enough to make them stupider than they already would be. I suppose some of that entitlement is also borne of stupidity, as well, though, so we’re looking at a chicken-and-egg situation here.

If the person who can fire you begins a statement with “I hope you can” 99.9% of the population knows that really means “Do this or you’re fired” and we know this is what Trump meant BECAUSE THEN HE FIRED HIM FOR NOT DOING IT.

So I’ve been trying to figure this out for a long time. Are the Trumps more stupid or more entitled? We know they’re both, but which one explains more of their behavior? This MORON either doesn’t realize what he’s saying, or he honestly believes his father has the right to act like a tinpot dictator. And then the

Taking aim at the globe-striding colossus that is Taylor Swift’s PR team if you don’t have some sort of smoking gun is so monumentally stupid, it’d be like taking potshots on Twitter at an FBI Director you fired to obstruct justice when the man is charge of investigating you is his personal friend.

I just wish the other people that helped Cosby do this for as long as he did to as many women as he did were also being held accountable.

Can we stop with the orgasm=consent? You can orgasm during a rape. It doesn’t mean you liked it or somehow consented during the assault

On Friday, jurors heard from Bill Cosby about what it was like to be at the receiving end of a mother trying to protect her daughter. The legendary funny man was not amused.

Fuck him. He had better be heading to jail after this and I hope he lives a long life.

Sometimes (okay, frequently) I think, “if I ate better, I could be skinnier”, but then I see shit like this. A flat tummy and skinny arms are not worth this. Nothing is.