A Sense of Poise and Rationality

My other siblings and I often wonder how our sister is able to (apparently) competently manage a whole vet clinic...she has no tact or empathy or people skills, in general. Like, does she treat her staff like she treats us, or is she an entirely different person at work? And why did her husband voluntarily sign on to

Sisters are weird. I have two, both younger, and at any given point 1 of us is probably not speaking with the others. First, one got involved with and ended up marrying an emotionally abusive piece of shit (sister 2 hated him and refused to speak to her). Then, I got married and sister 1 was such a raging bitch on my

Now playing

“Love is Blind” looks like a cheap ripoff of the much superior “Whore” by Tess.

In a previous life, I worked in jewelry sales. I can attest that the more focused a couple is on the ring, the less likely the relationship is to last. Generally (obviously there are exceptions), the type of people who want the biggest, flashiest rings are on the more superficial end of things, and often ended up

Why are people discussing numbers? There is no “right” amount of partners; just look at the letters in question. One person isn’t experienced enough; the other is too experienced. I have never seen a relationship in which having that conversation strengthened the bond. One person feels jealous and one person feels

That was the response of my Christian “friends” to my rape. I had been drinking and I wasn’t a virgin, so what was my issue? Clearly I was asking for it by living such a sinful lifestyle. They’re lucky my brand of sinning doesn’t involve cunt punts.

This American Life did a segment on her and her involvement with a mentorship program in a public school. Initially, I began to develop a tiny bit of respect for her—she seemed to be a well-intentioned rich lady who was at least trying to help. For instance, the mother of the child she was mentoring had car issues, so

This is the downside to a lot of the actual, real nice guys I know. I have several male friends who are wonderful guys and I can be completely vulnerable with, but those exact personality traits make them much less dominant in bed. It’s the main reason I didn’t pursue a relationship with a good friend who is perfect

The therapist that my ex-husband and I went to operated on the theory that sex issues are actually communication issues. In our situation, my ex didn’t want to discuss why we weren’t having sex/he couldn’t make me orgasm (which was definitely a him-specific issue, to be clear; I can get off pretty easily with most

I was in a college production of No Exit that is possibly the most publicly embarrassing thing I have ever done. I was so excited to get such a large part as a freshman (there are only four characters) that it never occurred to me that maybe no one auditioned because it was a student-led production. The male lead

My office has a radio in the bathroom, usually set to a “mix” station that generally plays decent music. Yesterday, though, just as I began to poop, “Photograph” started. I had to sit through the entire song. It was the worst part of my workday by far.

After listening to all of the Hillary interviews I could last week, I was so depressed that I just wanted to cry. The only thing that cheered me up was watching Game Change for the hundredth time...until I remembered what a dickhead McCain has proven to be. Luckily by then, I was many beers deep and ready to pass out.

Noosa rhubarb is the best yogurt ever.

I love that movie so much, and developed a huge crush on him as a result. But I also have horrible taste in both movies and men.

I don’t know why I’m so upset by the fact that someone who plays my favorite mentally abusive asshole character of all time (Sebastian from Cruel intentions, obvs) turns out to be an abusive asshole in real life. But I am. Mainly because now my mind judges my body for still wanting to hit that. My vagina makes very

The Husband’s Secret, please!

As someone who dominated Bible Quiz as a kid...that’s probably the best description of the Old Testament (and a lot of the New, for that matter) I’ve seen.

It’s amazing how much of a difference it makes to be dealing with a sane family vs. a crazy one. My ex-husband had an abusive mother and a brother who supported her. I was constantly walking on eggshells, trying to avoid upsetting them. When we divorced, my entire family pointed out that not ever having to see her

I still haven’t seen it because I know it will trigger a depressive episode. Her life breaks my heart.

Amy is by far my favorite artist of all time. The way she both wrote and emoted destroys me every time. When she died, my coworkers thought I lost a close friend or family member, due to my swollen eyes and level of emotion. It’s weird to feel so connected to someone you’ve never met.