A Sense of Poise and Rationality

I love “Never Again”. It’s a perfect breakup/workout/rage cleaning song.

For me, the algorithm is either 100% spot on, or completely off-base. Watching “Do I Sound Gay” somehow triggered recommending “The Trailer Park Boys,” which is one of the weirdest connections I’ve ever seen. On the other hand, the same show linked me to “GBF,” which immediately became my go-to drunken comedy and has

I have a very close female friend who is a sex addict. Before she shared her experiences, I was very skeptical about sex as an addiction (and I still think a lot of the men who claim to be suffering from it are full of shit). She has sex the way some people drink or smoke: if she is at all emotionally vulnerable or

The Blind Assassin is one of my top-three favorite books. Every time I read it, something new surfaces. It’s such a slow burn initially, but by the end I am always devouring it. I would kill for an adaptation.

Why are the best shows always cancelled? Better Off Ted was so clever and hilarious.

Thanks. I appreciate the advice from someone who is dealing with the same shit. The issue I’m running into is that my nephew is only 2, so there’s no way to communicate with him. He’s sweet and adorable and I wish I could protect him, but obviously I have a limited toolkit to do that. My parents feel horrible that

I have a similar situation, but my sister is the toxic one. I have 2 sisters and a brother. For the most part, we have all been pretty close (I speak with someone in my family more days than not). My brother keeps to himself but is one of my closest friends and my non-obnoxious sister texts me every other day or so

As someone who has been on medications that clearly state they interact with alcohol for 15 years (and drinks regularly), it’s not that simple. At this point, I know how much I can drink while on my meds, and I can recognize the physical signs that I need to slow down. I try to be conscious of not drinking to quickly

My partner is in Texas for the weekend and I am freaking out. He is very far inland (Austin), but I worry about the impact of rescue efforts, etc. affecting him. I need to stop reading/watching the news.

I like it. It’s catchy and will be stuck in my head regardless, so I’m not going to fight it. There is enough shit going on in the world that is horrible; I’m going to embrace anything that distracts from said shit.

Right there with you. I love vengeful Taylor. So much more entertaining. I want to have drinks with her and listen to her snarky commentary.

I guess I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. I know there were a lot of issues with false memories and a lot of innocent people were hurt, but that seems to be the minority. (And yes, I have lots of personal experience with many therapists and many of my friends were met in therapeutic settings, so I do

Our poor moms! Honestly, I wish I was better at believing things, because it would make me feel so much better about the idea of death. The concept of traveling with a group of my loved ones as some sort of caravan of souls is beautiful. I would love to believe it was true.

I had a therapist tell me that it didn’t matter if the facts showed I had been raped or not; what mattered was that I felt violated. This seems like a similar thought process: if it makes the person feel better, whether it is “real” is neither here nor there.

I am not someone who believes in...anything, really. But I think everyone has that one thing that makes them wonder. I have two. Both happened when I was a small child (so beginning when I was maybe 3 or 4), and both were ongoing.

My little sister met her now-husband when she was 17 and he was 26. They spent months lying to my parents about his age (they initially said 23), whether or not he had a kid (he did), and anything else they knew would upset Mom and Dad. She moved in with him the day after she turned 18. She is now trapped in a

Take a hint from Adele. When you have the vocal talent, you don’t need to dance.

Thanks! I hadn’t realized how miserable I was until I got out and realized how stifled I had been. I feel like cheating is something that is so widely accepted as being immoral that people forget that whenever humans are involved, there is lots of room for nuance.

In my mind, there are 2 kinds of cheaters. The first kind does it as a sort of last resort in a bad relationship (not to excuse it). They do it once, feel like shit, and don’t want to be that person ever again. For instance, I have cheated on a partner once. I came clean, he took me back, and when his best friend

Exactly. I’m not a child, and when you’ve been with someone for 7 years, you know how they work. The good behavior won’t last forever, and it’s just insulting to your intelligence for them to act as if they are a different person.