A Sense of Poise and Rationality

The book made it seem (to me, at least) like he kept track of her spending and made sure she knew it, while also encouraging her to spend. I know there was an instance in which he had mentioned that she should go shopping (or otherwise spend money), and later brought up in public that Celeste spent a bunch of “his”

“Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”— Leo Tolstoy

Yeah, “I can’t watch this because my partner wouldn’t like it” is of the things me and my boyfriend like to do is pick a series and binge it together. Sometimes it is a series one of us has seen and thinks the other would like; other times, it’s something new to both of us. There is an unspoken

I have the hugest crush on him. He’s smart, funny, and would be down for all of the kinky shit you could ever want.

I think most women who have been sexually active with men have “consented” physically/verbally without actually wanting the sexual act(s) being performed. It is often a form of self-protection and taking agency of a situation that you may not actually have control over.

Having read the book and not seen the series, I though of their post-violence sex as a kind of normalizing on her part. Like, “we must love each other; how else would we have such good sex?” I imagine there is an element of adrenaline, as well; one thing the book emphasized was how complicit Celeste felt because she

I haven’t watched the series, but I read the book. It did a great job of portraying the violence in Celeste and Perry’s relationship in a manner than showed both how dangerous Perry was and why Celeste continued to stay. There was never any question that Perry was a monster; it was an issue of Celeste reaching a point

The jewelry store I used to work at had a customer named Bunny Workin. Who is now my alter-ego. Needstosleep has a furbaby and drives a red car; Bunny Workin drives an SUV to take her kids to soccer practice and drinks white wine in her water bottle. Needstosleep is pale and has dark hair; Bunny Workin is bleached

I loved what a complete picture the ESPN series painted! I had not expected such a balanced, well-researched doc from them. I was especially impressed by their focus on the racial forces that affected both his life and the case itself. I learned a lot about the history of civil rights, as well as developing an

I had that feeling when my marriage was ending. I was miserable and knew he would never change, but I kept thinking that if I just tried harder, maybe things would work. Maybe he would start appreciating me if I was a better cook, kept the apartment cleaner, if i was more affectionate. (This despite everyone,

I do shit like that all the time. One of the worst was when I had just started managing a jewelry store. I’d been there maybe 3 weeks, and my only male (and very, very stereotypically gay) employee and myself were opening the store together. He mentioned that he had replaced the coffee creamer he had used, and I will

I remember it was around July 4th. He had brought me a handle of Black Velvet (I was literally only dating him because my friends and I were underage and he was our booze connection). I remember having one and a half drinks. I remember saying no. I remember watching it all, as if I was floating above my body. I

These are the scars that no one sees, and they never go away.

The Special Special Special is my happy place.

Jen Kirkman’s “I’m Gonna Die Alone and I Feel Fine” is my go-to for watching alone and cry-laughing.

I am in love with Maria Bamford. I saw her stand-up with Jackie Kashian last summer and have never laughed harder. As someone who has Bipolar II, anxiety, depression, and PTSD, Maria’s humor is always spot-on. I struggled a bit with her series (mainly how it jumped around), but powered through because I want her to

Yep. My boyfriend has a Friday night routine. At ten p.m., he goes to a burger and beer joint. When they close around midnight, he goes to the bar he has been frequenting since before we met. He texts me throughout the night and when he gets home. If he drinks more than the usual amount, he knows I will pick him up.

I said out loud for the first time ever, I want to deface a car. I wanted other things too, as it happened — the things I wanted were so specific.

I recently found a scrapbook my 8th grade teacher made me for graduation. I grew up in a very, very rural area and attended a country school (20-30 kinds in the whole school, grades K-8) until high school. One of the photos my former teacher apparently felt was worth preserving was from a school play about the Civil

lol I tried Ask Jeeves, but he didn’t say anything definitive.