A Sense of Poise and Rationality

I actually took a genetic test to see which antidepressants/mood stabilizers would work best for me (after a solid 15 years of playing “let’s see if this one works) and learned that I metabolize folic acid very quickly and was prescribed a supplement. I cannot imagine “doing my own research” to determine something

If you think filing for divorce is a hostile act, you clearly don’t understand how bad your relationship was...and maybe need to accept your part in things. Most people file for divorce to end the hostility, not to begin it.

The Blind Assassin is one of my desert island books, and The Robber Bride is close behind! She is so talented at creating realistic characters who are compelling and stay with you long after you have finished the book.

Honestly, while he did not have my full consent, I also was not super upset about it. I have been raped, and this did not feel like that at all. I hadn’t even thought about it in those terms, although now that you mention it, I do hope he did not exhibit that behavior with other women who might feel violated by it.

I am so prone to UTIs that if I decide to cuddle for five minutes before getting up and peeing, my boyfriend will remind you to. We watched something on TV about UTIs (he has known about every one I have had since we started fucking, and he used to find it a point of pride, like in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend). Apparently

I’ve had that same conversation with my parents a million times. Just change “illegals” to “gays”... it is like banging your head against the wall.

The timing for this was perfect for me; I just listened to the latest Reveal podcast yesterday, and it was about religious liberty being used to protect abusive/neglectful “schools” and “daycares”...this story would have fit right in. I am so lucky that I was able to leave the church I grew up in (which I maintain is

Yeah, I have a strict policy about being open with my partners about where I am and what I want. It actually started when I began dating again and was adamantly not interested in a relationship, so I found it helpful to just state that up-front. I can’t imagine how angry I would have been, had I been in your

When I met my boyfriend, I was technically married. I had kicked my ex-husband out and had minimal contact with him; for all intents and purposes, the marriage was over and all that was left was signing the papers. I still made it a point to tell my now-boyfriend my situation (in the process of getting divorced) on

Here’s what I don’t get: I work with victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. Our local PD is great about clearly informing women who say they were raped that the PD doesn’t care if they were drinking underage or smoking weed or whatever; they just want to catch the rapist. This goes a long way in encouraging

Sunday morning breakfast is generally made by the boyfriend, and he delivers it to me with my morning of the many reasons I love him.

I live in ND and sent this into Jez as a tip from a local paper...sadly, the only unique element of this story is that he said the words aloud. There are so many people who would love to go back to the 1950s as far as gender roles are concerned.

Came here to say the same thing. Although I would very much like more Ted Danson in my hell for reasons that are not at all sexual and definitely torturous...yeah, I’ll be in my bunk for the remainder of the night...

Similar situation in high school: the lady at the grocery store was trying to put my pads in a paper bag because “what if the boys SEE?!” I told her that if they had an issue, I was more than happy to discuss my flow. The conversation ended there.

Not accidental, but the worst sexual experience of my life. I went at it on my living room floor with a tinder date. I was on all fours with him fucking me from behind when he decided to put it in my ass. I asked him to stop and he did...for about 2 minutes. When he stuck it in again, I said “ouch” a couple of times,

It’s also hard to know the line between “helping my partner through a rough time” and “I’m in over my head and we both need professional help”. I come from a family of nurturers, and it was really difficult for me to accept that I couldn’t fix him and was actively damaging both of us in my attempts. Luckily, I have an

I am bipolar, and my ex-husband is both bipolar and has borderline personality disorder. I had the first mental breakdown (combination of PTSD, undiagnosed bipolar disorder, a stressful work environment, and a lot of denial about how bad my marriage was) and got help. As I began asserting my boundaries and recognizing

Congrats on the divorce! As a fellow divorcee who got her slut on, I salute you!

I love my Mirena. I have never had a kid, and the insertion wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected. When I get this one removed, I’m having another put in at the same time. I highly recommend it.

Mine, too.