A Sense of Poise and Rationality

A friend was told that. The logic had to do with infections going up the strings and sounds like total bullshit. Honestly, the only reason I can think of to be wary is that it’s easier to skip condoms if you know you won’t get pregnant. But that warrants a reminder to use them, not a refusal to insert.

I had a pretty easy insertion. I don’t have kids and usually need the small duck lips when I have my pap, so I was really worried. I made my (now ex) husband drive me, popped some ibuprofen, and took a couple of shots of vodka before going to PP. (No, I’m not advocating mixing painkillers and vodka, but I know what

A few years ago, I was really good at writing my representatives. and I tried to make it a point to send thank-you notes when they supported causes I agreed with. I figured that they probably didn’t hear from many people who were happy with them, and being a Democrat in a very red state, I wanted to be sure they knew

Yep. He also has specific sounds associated with virtually every random part of my body. Like, he will poke my nose and say “DOOT DOOT”. My ears get a different noise. I have no idea how he keeps track of them, but he finds it hilarious and I always end up laughing at his amusement.

My boyfriend amused himself by randomly groping me while saying “grabthepussy,” followed by joking assertions about ensuring his control over me. I took it in the manner intended (mainly that he loves to grope me, anyway, and was mocking the ridiculousness of the concept). And he was smart enough to stop it after the

Me, too. It was a perfect summation of her concession speech. That one’s gonna stick with me for a while.

*hugs* I’m so sorry.

They look awkward as fuck.

My boyfriend and I were discussing that yesterday. The air just felt heavy, and it was like everyone was treading very carefully, like we all knew how easily any given interaction could cause spontaneous combustion.

Every time I start to cry, I try to think of something I can actually do to fight the bullshit. I contacted a local organization that mentors women who are new to our country, and I e-mailed my local Planned Parenthood to ask about volunteer options. I don’t have money to contribute to these causes, but I have to do

I keep crying off and on. Every time I get calmed down, something starts me up again. My mom is trying to mend the fences that Dad destroyed, and I feel helpless. I know that they both voted Trump, but I also know that Mom is not very well informed and gets all of her news from Dad and residents at the nursing home

I am crying at work. I can’t believe we failed her. She worked so hard and gave so much, and I cannot imagine how unbearably hard the last 24 hours have been for her. She has so much strength, dignity, and grace...she was my role model before, and now she is even more so. I aspire to have a fraction of her class and

I fell asleep around 1, 1:30. I am so glad I didn’t wait up.

What the actual fuck?! This is why we can’t have nice things!

My boyfriend just told me to stop crying and go to bed. (He works for the city and is exhausted and discouraged.) I promised to, as soon as the combination of my meds and the vodka/wine/whatever I can get my hands on kicks in and I can just pass out.

I am suddenly realizing why I have had so many panic attacks in the last few weeks, despite following 538 religiously...somehow, I knew it would come down to this. I’m terrified to go to bed tonight; even if I somehow sleep, I will wake up to a living nightmare.

I know. Glenn Beck is talking about listening to the other side and acknowledging his part in creating the divide in our nation; Prince, Bowie, and Rickman all died; and the most qualified presidential candidate possibly ever is losing to a gold-plated turd rolled in Ebola. Fuck it, I’m sleeping until 2020.

I already threw up from the anxiety. And I’m still drinking because fuck everything.

Glenn Beck is saying things that are self-aware about listening to one another, as a nation. Trump has a good chance of winning. Literally what is happening right now? Is this one of those nightmares where my dead grandpa shows up and I’m naked at my high school before giving a speech I haven’t written? That’s the

I am very aware that my parents (my dad, mainly) are part of the problem. It is really straining my relationship with them, and both my brother and myself make it a point to call them out when they use dog-whistle terms or start parroting Fox News. It hurts a lot to realize that the people I thought were the most