A Sense of Poise and Rationality

I am in the same boat. My parents taught my siblings and I to think critically,so I blame them for my political beliefs. It’s ironic how hard they worked to instill traditional conservative values in their kids; yet, all three of us girls have been the primary breadwinners for our families and my little brother is an

Way to dispel the “Trump voters are ignorant” theory through usage of proper spelling and grammar...

I have a good friend who works at a child care facility, and she has been constantly ill since she started around 6 months ago. She has been to the doctor every 4-6 weeks, and even after I told her to start telling the doctor up-front that her insurance is crap and she needs a cheap prescription, still is spending a

In my experience, it’s not that they suddenly appear; it’s such a gradual slope that you don’t notice it until things get super bad and you wonder how you got to that point. Kind of like the story about the frog not noticing the water getting hotter until it’s boiling. At first, the anger seems to come at reasonable

I recently began listening to Nightvale and am addicted. It’s been the perfect distraction from the election! I wish we could just refuse to acknowledge Trump’s existence, like an angel or something.

I am listening to that song as soon as I leave work. Thanks for the recommendation!

I went to my therapist on Monday. After my usual five-minute word vomit of anxieties, she put her head in her hands and responded “I’m afraid for our country”. This is where we are at as a country. Even mental health professionals can’t deal. (And yes, I know it was probably unprofessional, but that is exactly why I

You can mute tabs. Just right-click on it. That’s been my solution.

I was only married for five, but I know that feeling. I hate how much he fucked with my head (and still does; PTSD is a helluva drug), and I just wish he could have been the person we both wanted him to be. My boyfriend is amazing, but navigating the first healthy relationship I have ever had is harder than it seems.

I had a similar situation a year ago; met a guy (let’s call him Josh) on tinder. Seemed like a good guy and was super interested in my part-time job working with victims of rape and abuse. Our first meeting for coffee went well but no chemistry so I agreed to go to a movie with him. I figured maybe the chemistry would

My boyfriend and I discuss that every time! Who tells their families these things?! My family is generally pretty close, and I’m super open about sex, but that just seems weird. I’m not in denial; I helped both of my younger sisters get on birth control, and speak very frankly with my friends. But if my sister called

Depends on what you’re looking for. Tinder played a very large part in my post-marriage rebound. My only complaint was the number of men who wanted an actual relationship. Like, what is that shit?! You’re on tinder.

I do this often. One memorable night, I was frozen and trying to scream but nothing was coming out. When my boyfriend woke me up, I assumed I had managed to scream in real life. Nope. The poor man thought I was having a seizure because I was shaking and soaked in sweat. When he asked if I was okay, I responded “I’m

I am just super-cynical. Although his recent statements regarding Trump are making it harder to dislike him.

Mine said the same. And that she only stayed married because she had political ambitions. Which is somehow a bad thing. I don’t get it. 

I can sympathize. I hate Tom Hanks. Which is apparently tantamount to burning puppies at the stake.

A stranger could look at my Facebook feed and immediately tell me which people are people I grew up with/am related to and which are my actual friends. It’s sad.

I’ve been wondering if/when this would happen. Growing up in the evangelical Christian community, I was taught that “lust of the flesh” was a sin, even if only in thought.

As a nearly-30-year-old dating a younger guy (25), it can be hard to find balance. I’m divorced; he had never had anyone sleep over until me. There’s a gap in relationship experience that occasionally shows itself, but that part isn’t the biggest issue. He seems to assume that, once i turn 30, I will want all of the

I notice this with friends and family members who haven’t experienced divorce themselves. They love the drama and have all sorts of great ideas for revenge and generally fucking up my ex’s life. They don’t realize that, while I am more than happy to never see him again, I don’t hate him. I don’t love him like I used