(Don't Fear) The Cowbell

My thoughts exactly. This may not be an internal issue that can just be flagged as “not enough diversity in the tech industry.”

I wonder how many black woman have applied to work at Twitter. Meaning, has Twitter rejected hundreds of qualified black women on purpose and hired only Asian and white instead, or have there been very few qualified black women applicants?

Eats weed candy. Listens to Pink Floyd albums. Cuts legs on broken glass. Gets gun from ironically named “safe.” Kills his old lady.

It’s not a ham sandwich!

No wait, that is exactly what I said. Now I’m confused.’s Friday...

It taught us many things - appropriate behavior in stores, the defensiveness people have about donuts, and the fact that babies really will stick anything into their mouths if you don’t watch them.


I had a 3-carat ring once.

Soreinthebummy Airport?

I am clearly a lady Jesus because I find myself capable of having sympathy for lots of people simultaneously.

I’m a firm believer that rape by deception is rape. I know someone is going to pop up by claiming that everyone lies to get sex, but a) no, and b) there are lies and lies. Saying ‘Oh man, I also totally love the Rolling Stones, we have so much in common!’ in order to butter up someone who is already sexually

Our high school senior class quote was along those lines, “work like you don’t need the money, dance like no one is watching.” One of my good friends was valedictorian. She got drunk for the first time at a graduation after party, and I remember her slurring, “it’s SO true. You should work like no one is watching, and

That reminds me of when my grandpa died. He didn’t have the whole family there but he had his kids and some (adult) grandchildren. The day he died and until my dad dies, my dad says, “He died like he wanted, the center of attention.” Lots of awkward laughs at the funenral receiving line.

Mentioning the 9/11 gift shop always makes me think of this.

Well this is a story of my grandfather at a moment of great family sadness and pain.

My Jewish parents attended mass given at the Vatican by Pope John Paul II. I asked why, and my dad told me he was hungry and wanted the cracker.

I had a pretty blonde friend who spoke flawless Japanese. I was with her on an elevator in a Century City office building when some Japanese businessmen boarded and began speaking to one another. They were making bold remarks about our physicality, etc. My friend gave them a beautifully formal “Please have a lovely

Okay, but there’s backstory.