Leave it to Fiat to perfect service lights.
Leave it to Fiat to perfect service lights.
Speaking of sad things, look at this picture, which remains the saddest picture I have ever taken:
I wouldn’t be shocked if you’re literally the only person on here who wishes for that.
Why? Literally the only reason to do that is to limit so called “mechanical grip” (which is really a misnomer in the first place). Considering that one of the primary complaints about F1 for at least a decade now has been the zero…
V10 powered, 6 wheeled grid girls!!
No, I wish F1 brought back six-wheeled cars.
Wait until you read about black holes!
I’m fascinated that you think FCA will exist that long in your timeline.
Meanwhile, in the year 2052...
Yes, for a mere $4500 you could be playing Donkey Kong in a 1980s Buick. Take that Honda and Toyota.
Over at io9, roughly 90% of the posts have commenters rushing to make the same joke about the cringeworthy “Martha” moment from Batman v. Superman. They got old after the first few months but are still going strong years later.
Came for this and I got it, thank you. Also fuck any post who complains about this joke being made again. It should never not be made.
Also it wasn’t really fair that the US had to compete against Trinidad AND Tobago - that’s two nations against one.
uber’s business plan:
This makes so much sense! Especially why the cockpit is off-center so they can actually see 0_0
counterpoint: Give him some more Mountain Dew Code Red.
How many Ewoks had to die for that coat???
been curling for a few years. i can confirm that it’s not “easy”. what appear to be simple physical motions become strange and unfamiliar when doing them on ice. the sweeping is pretty physical and you can feel it in your back and upper arms the next day. the sheet is around 150 ft long and you are moving quickly back…
I didn’t realize that was him. He was good in Hail, Ceasar!
Alden out-acted all the veterans in Hail, Caesar!
AECD’s are not more commonly known as defeat devices. That makes it sound like all AECD’s are defeat devices. This is not true. A defeat device is an illegal AECD.