
Came for helpful driving tips. Got Torched. Leaving a more knowledgeable driver. Thanks Jason.

Well said DT.

I try to explain to people that a wrangler is in no way a “sensible” vehicle to own for 99.9% of the population. (not great ride quality, no creature comforts compared to others in class, loud, not so much space, not very comfortable for passangers, etc.)

However, you don’t buy a wrangler for those

Well said DT.

Does anyone Else see body lines from the Jaguar XF, in the hood/headlight area?

I saw right through this set up DT, “downsizing” and “growing wise” don’t happen to smart people.

Get the manual, the engine will last forever, but the automatic trans is good for exactly 105K miles (Bc science). I have an 04 automatic it has 250K miles, new transmission at 105K and 210K all regular maintenance in between.

Removes windshield, leaves giant suction cup on side of road.

I need to move to kansas... I’m doing something wrong, if you can afford that house and all those cars on a “burger flipping” salary.

Kudos to the guy who laid down the clear coat, because honestly, that’s what makes this car stand out, and protects Warhol’s work.

If Warhol can paint a car with a brush, so can I. That’s it, i’m painting my car this weekend!

Handling... check.

Words have never been more true.

Title should Read “Run, it’s a mustang driver”....

Thank god you’re back! I have nothing to read when I get to work when there is no NPOCP.

I wish I could agree, but I too “Live the Jeep life” so I like those stories too...

Every time I read a technical piece by you, I think “wow its scary how much we’re fascinated by the same things” then I remember you’re an engineer too, and that stuff like this is what makes us feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Making very good cars does not excuse the production of atrocious small crossover vehicles. Audi is guilty of this, but not as much as BMW. the fact that a company can produce a car like the M2 and be ok with selling a car like the X2 boggles the mind. David_Tracy got me all fired up about the small crossover

Off topic question:

I hate when cars are produced solely because the manufacturers know that they’ll sell like crazy.

At the end of the day its just a matter which way you slice it.