
Too much power, not enough skill.

Will self driving cars have road rage?

probably slightly more as the midpoint is most likely not the lowest point of ground clearance.

Breakover angle should be ~19.65 degrees.

We’re talking about a different realm of people/wealth though. To us peasants/peons, 5 cars for 4.3 million dollars seems ungodly, but someone recently paid 4.8 million for a LaFerrari at the Mecum auction in Monterey. If you look at it that way 5 cars for that price is a deal.

With only 24 in the world, I’m just happy to have had the opportunity to see this car. This picture is just an added bonus.

Big things are fascinating.

Hammond, when was the last time you whitened your teeth?

helicopter crashes... nobody on the beach can be bothered...

Is this because of a woman?

Does anyone else see FF taillights with camary headlights?

Do you take it to a laundromat or a car wash?

If only we could apply this policy to non passing left lane drivers (looking at you Prius drivers). We could restore our roadways to normal levels of incompetency 

If I wanted to gamble this badly, i’d put $15K on red, let it ride and either save myself the trouble or buy something nicer with the winnings.

Looks more like a police escort, than a police chase. the driver stopped for the traffic light and all.

He just needed more “POWWWWWER”
