Old Guy

The rolling blackouts will be epic.

Yeah it’s a cool project but he really made a MUCH larger PS5 in 2 pieces with hoses connecting them.

Hey just because they’re a Disney employee doesn’t give you the right to call them a robot! There’s a very small but very real chance that they’re an every day, normal, regular person.

I totally get that. The calculus changes dramatically depending on your living situation. If you don't have a place to charge at home/work, the convenience aspect goes away. The cost savings changes a lot, too, as you're likely paying a good deal more than residential rates to charge at a public station. 

I don’t think anyone with any measure of intelligence is recommending ditching a perfectly good car for an expensive EV to save money. That argument comes in a little bit when comparing new cars when you’re ready to get one. Gas where I live is about $4.30/gallon right now. If I fill up once a week, that’s about

All-maxed gets you Pat...

Wilhite’s pronunciation is the correct one.

I think the sentence should be doubled because he can't even wear a mask correctly in the courtroom.

They don’t look like protagonists, they look like NPCs. They look like they should be hanging out beside a road, ready to fight anyone who makes eye contact. The design is not UGLY, but it is BORING. I’m gonna be changing the clothes and hair as soon as I possibly can.

Ever been to a European City? They are insanely cool, even the little ones. In every city, there is a walking area, which is many blocks long where there are tons of things to do, places to go, and places to eat. Not uncommon for these areas to be super old too, with timberframed buildings or inside walls or the like.

Ok. Slowly and clearly.

IMHO, Here’s what people don’t get about this type of vehicle:


I know this is going to sound absurd, but the reason I didn’t buy a new Honda Ridgeline was because the arm rest was just a little stick, instead of a huge center pad between the seats.  Need that big pad. I love to do a big ol’ lean on that baby every now and again.  Makes you feel comfortable AND in charge! Can’t do

Is there a reason that this series isn’t called “A Valiant Effort”?

It’s okay. We feel sorry for people who buy Jeeps to drive them on the road.

There is so much Pro-Jeep hyperbole in the language of both the Jeep rep and the author you would think they are one and the same person. “Head of the class, Legendary capability, capability that’s bred in(WTF?)“.  Has anyone seen Lawrence Hodge and Jim Morrison in the same room?

Smart & Final is a Western US thing, but their Rotisserie is the best, and I’m a huge fan of Costco chickens.