
Blaine is a pain, and that is the truth.

Of course not. Is that supposed to be a straw-man to go with your straw hat? I never suggested anything like that.

“You all have phones don't you?"

Lots of streamers play FAR below their level. In CoD: Warzone I’m about a 1.85 player. Pretty decent, sure.

But go to a prominent streamer - Huskers, NickMercs when he used to play Warzone, etc. 4.5kd ish for those guys. Oh, and they often group up with similar skill players. So they’ll all be 4+kd.

What’s disgusting

Yep. The whole concept of “I don’t want to fight against someone my level because it takes more effort so SBMM is bad.” is the dumbest most self-serving argument these people make. Like I give a shit. I’m not great. I used to play competitive games a lot more and these days I don’t, I’m old and rusty and the last

I think you tried a little too hard on this one.

It’s a scam because an NFT is not actually selling the artwork; it’s selling a receipt that absolutely nobody is legally obligated to acknowledge or respect. It’s like if I tried to buy the Mona Lisa, but instead of giving me the Mona Lisa they show me a slip of paper that says “you now officially own the Mona Lisa”

You’d be saying the opposite if he supported whatever you believed in.

That is fucking hideous. It looks like someone took the Saab Aero X concept greenhouse, slapped on the front clip from a C4, then grafted on some C7 headlights but turned them sideways. 

Why? That looks a high schoolers rendering after a few weeks using blender

Trucks are useful because they have beds. Making them 4 door only makes them fucking worthless. Flame on motherfuckers.

A redemption wouldn’t be all that hard to believe, honestly. There’s an entry in the Book of Sorrows where Savathûn questions whether their journey to prove themselves worthy of existence by way of destroying everything else that might possibly become a threat (aka The Sword Logic) is actually the right path.

From Merriam-Webster:

Well cool, thanks for squashing the image Kinja.

In regular RDR2 I fondly remember taking out a group of kkk, capturing the leader, hogtieing him and throwing him on the back of my horse, took him to the train tracks, threw him on the ground positioned my horse so he shit on him then left him on the tracks till a train came. After he was run over by the train I put

I think she actually has a hard legal case if there is a force majeure clause, which most contracts do and as a former big corporate attorney I would be shocked if there isn’t one. A force majeure clause allows a party to opt out of portions of contract based on unavoidable and uncontrollable circumstances. So to win,

I sank a full size color television in Marina Del Rey once in the 80s because I didn’t feel like lugging it to a trash bin in the Marina where I lived at the time on a boat.

Ah, the Astrodome plan. 

They are going to go with secret option #4:

Hey Grif, Chupathingy! How about that? I like it. Gotta ring to it.