Let me add Yan to that list.
Let me add Yan to that list.
Almost like they smuggled the Tonberry in for sale on the black market...to unscrupulous types.
We’ll never give up our trucks. We as a nation are the lifted truck driving, overly aggressive douchebag with a small penis
Oh, honey.
That game is what sparked my love for the E46 M3, and from that, cars in general. For some reason, I was never really impressed with the JDM scene, and never had been into the wild exotics growing up. But that car just changed everything.
So it seems like this idea works well for a company like Rivian, which (as of now) is making a pickup and an SUV. These two vehicle types tend to be similar, if not identical underneath, so some of the potential limitations of the skateboard such a ride height, width and wheelbase length are largely avoided. If they…
In LA? Good luck. Nobody bats an eye at cars like this, they’re too common.
“Buffoon barges” is an excellent term I will now be using to refer to SUVs. Goes great with my “douche tractor” term for pickup trucks.
Yeah it’s not just “lawyers duke it out” and CDPR just gets to sit back and relax. Who do you think is paying the lawyers? I agree that they should have told the guy to get bent because he was a whiny prick with zero business sense, but avoiding court is almost always preferable.
I imagined California mode to be a button which makes the car tell you it’s vegan
I don’t dismiss either one (or any kind of legally binding document) as “legal mumbo jumbo”.
“and i do not care about eulas, thats just a bunch of legal mumbo jumbo”
With a warranty?
There’s so many odd contradictions and inconsistencies here. He doesn’t want politics in his games (which is itself a political stance), yet one of his biggest cash cows is essentially a pro-American military hooah simulator, in which the enemy of said American military are either Middle Eastern people or Russians.…
Yeah....flamethrowers use napalm, which kinda sticks to the target and burns. Continuously.
New technology outsells ancient technology, news at 11.
Someone once described Infinity as the brand for a “$30,000-a-year millionaire” and I have never looked at the brand the same after that.
I looked into the process of a 460 swap, and apparently the biggest issue with that particular swap is the exhaust. Custom headers need to be made to fit in a very tight space. I’m sure there are engines that would fit in there more easily, but those may be underpowered for a monster sedan like this one.
Yeah definitely a pipe dream. I would get a sedan for sure, and most likely find some sort of more common engine to drop in there like the 460 or maybe a 351C. Something with some low-end grunt to move the damn thing.