
What a great bit of backstory!

This was a couple years back

Been on Xbox Live since it launched. Xbox is where my friends are, and as long as they’re on Xbox, that’s where I’ll be. The exclusives are trash this generation, but I’m ok with this because most of the games that interest me are on both platforms anyway. I own a PS4 for the exclusives like Horizon, Bloodborne,

Because “military tactical things” don’t always come off as the ultimate poseur machine?

It really is bizarre. Imagine living here (or don’t, unless you want a headache)

Tesla should license that armor glass to Apple and Samsung for use in smartphones.

I wouldn’t expect a car 60 years from now to share as many similarities with the GT C as these two do. Cars like the GT C, and offerings from companies like Ferrari and McLaren are the result of 100+ years of refinement of the same formula that this ‘57 is built on. With driverless tech, hydrogen power, camless

He asked, and then proceeded to tell everyone how it should be used and how they should feel about it. Paint the whole picture.

Oh, honey.

The Tower in D2 is also not technically a tower, it’s a section of the wall. What’s your point (since you missed mine)?

Can we just stop beating around the bush and call this the Tower? That’s what this is.


“And since our government is ‘By the people, for the people,’ when we don’t honor our government, we dishonor ourselves. ...” 

Longtime moderator here.

Not to mention the issue of standing if an attorney decided to sue without being retained by a rights-holder.

The guy is definitely a character. I used to work for him

This game is free on Xbox if you have a Gold subscription.

Yeah lucky you. I live in Hesperia

Have you ever visited the high desert? Victorville area? I call it mini-Texas.

Mexican Mustang owner here. Never been pulled over for it. Why? Because I look white enough to get a pass! My aunt though? When she had a 7-Series BMW she got pulled over all the time.