
grab your stars on your way out the door though!

quidditch bros

you earned every one of those stars.

when you saw that picture you know you thought of this...

Now playing

they are idiots. but remember race is a social “CONSTRUCT” not a scientific one. and if you were not a white anglo saxon protestant you were not really considered white, you are a “dago guinea wop greaseball goombah” and if you were the a lawyer representing them you could be called a “kraut-mick.”

echoing what everyone else has said here about the 30 the 30 episode “rand university.” wow did notre dame miss out. and then all the nfl teams that made the same mistake...

moss is one of those guys like bo jackson that just could do about anything physically and be good at it, and like the truly great he makes it


fights and games are not decided on paper...

#hollyholm #robertavinci #2008nygiants #busterdouglas #rulongardner #appalachianstate 

agree with you in part. the terminator, aliens, and the rock are a pretty action good trifecta to have on your resume. but he was never going to be a-list action hero — not nearly buff enough for the testosterone of the 80s/90s to compete with ahnold or sly. not enough personality to pull off bruce willis roles. and

hate myself but you earned it. +1

talk shit. get hit. too many keyboard warriors get the false confidence they can say things to people they would never say in their face. she learned her lesson, better run and tell ‘em on brietbart you will catch hands, if you try that ish in the real world.

Now playing

“Prep school boys used to pee themselves when they see ol’ Bunk coming at ‘em!”

Baltimore’s Edmondson’s lacrosse program fielded one of the first integrated high school lacrosse teams in the nation...

your mom should have swallowed you. we’ll work on it some more tonight!

their sticker should be this. ammirite?

+1 some know chromosomes

this movie, this scene, and this gif have been waiting for this moment.

+1 made me snort so loud, my office mate asked if i was okay?

yeah. he i thought he traveled too. wait what replay are we talking about? #truthers