
a pietà reference? you just tripled the culture iq on these boards.

Now playing

the video, with multiple replays and angles.

+ 75 years to a movie whose lines never get old

oh man, you really got yourself a self inflicted burn there.

the bambino!

and boom! he’s on his back. - maddenisms circa ‘93

+1 - outstanding kinja

this is not a hill to die on.

that’s assuming teams will sign or keep you with a ped history. if you can’t play b/c of injury or suspension you’re just dead weight to a team. and in a free market when teams have choice to sign comparable players one with a history of suspension or not they will take the clean one. look at alshon jeffrey on the

slow down there cowboy. last time i checked bingo was five letters. you have B-I-G-O, we need a the letter “N” as in a nazi reference i.e. godwin’s law or a reductio ad hitlerum argument...but don’t worry it’s coming...

um...thugs right?

it’s the yip/yelp/scream before that i love. in a split second she realized this was not going to end well...

i see you one michael wilbon and raise you a skip bayless.

the last 20 years. place is not the same town i graduated from in ‘94.


bitter over losing 4 out of the last 5 years in football? we have an all time winning record against only one big10 school (indiana). six more wins and illinois joins them on that list.

Now playing

ye and common both say chi-city and chi-town. is your friend.

Evanston and Oak Park at least both have el stops. There are burbs and then there are burbs. I’ll distinguish btw someone living in the two aforementioned and someone from Schaumburg or Barrington claiming Chicago.

all the stars!! and your childhood was awesome.