
i feel bad after watching it a second time and noticing the little kid there in the bryant jersey. hope that wasn’t his dad.

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obligatory excuse to post this. 10 million plus views later and still quality.

i’ve been a prosecutor for ten years and i’m co-signing this. those without juris doctors please stfu.

definitely dating myself but this looks like a jodeci album cover. diary of mad wide receivers.

google “baylor football scandal.” we’ll wait...

a really sad day for the Dúnedain

follow up on what happened to the bobbie’s hat:

that’s that allen iverson over tyronn lue stomp off. for you kids that are too young. 

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Tone Loc was pretty good in Heat. Some of my favorite Pacino lines from this movie are in this little scene. “You can get killed walking your doggy!”

look at Suzy Kolber’s expression in the background.

The initial embarrassment at being made cuckold faded, when he heard the crowd was satisfied.

I’m having flashbacks to Bill O’Reilly’s infamous visit to the iconic soul food restaurant, Sylvia’s, in Harlem with Al Sharpton.

meryl streep is in a river wild, not glenn close.

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‘murica. we don’t start shit. but boy do we finish it.

bill murray - born in evanston; grew up in wilmette

you painted a picture with words. +1

well all had that friend! +1