well done. +1
well done. +1
blackmail?! what could possibly be worse than a video of hizzoner dressed in drag getting groped by drumpf? i mean how ted cruz or another republican didn’t use this clip in the primaries is just political oppo malpractice.
lickey boom boom!
this needs a lot more stars
damn. that was some good kinja!
this link has the sound you want. the crowd reactions sound like a cross of reactions between the romans at the coliseum and people watching the hindenburg...
even though they had the bank staked out they found out at the very last minute (damn it waingro!!) and let’s face it mccauley’s crew was really good at taking down scores.
I’m sure fans of Philadelphia teams think the same way. Sometimes you can’t live down infamy.
anyone on this thread that can give us a rough translation of what the announcers are saying?
I watched the ubiquitous Sports Machine of course. Before ESPN it was the go to place for highlights. But as far as local news we watched CBS not NBC. So my memories of the most beloved sportscaster in DC at that time are of the late Glenn Brenner. His love of sports and his commentary on the highlights were ahead of…