Delta was probably mad that they never thought to charge a fee for that.
Delta was probably mad that they never thought to charge a fee for that.
My parents, both American-born, but Hispanic, only spoke Spanish at a very young age. So going to school was very difficult for them, even in South Texas. I used to catch hell from Spanish speaking Hispanics when I was younger for not being able to speak Spanish. I asked my mom why she didn’t bring me up speaking…
username checks out.
The security said she shouldn’t have stood so close to him, implying that it was her fault. smdh
I can always tell when SHS is lying because her right eye starts to droop.
My mother wouldn’t be proud of this
That’s because in childlike mind saying he is going to do something is the same thing as actual doing it.
This also the problem with a lot of people on FB.
Reason #451 why conservatives lack any empathy at all.
Yeah it came up on the pop up when I hovered over the Jalopnik link. So it seemed new, didn’t bother to read the date until later. Still, your taste in Ferarris is also on point!
Apparently, the bad apples have a union. Even if his firing stands, he will wind up at some other department in no time.
I remember one time, I had planned a long vacation, and my boss wanted to know why I was taking so much time off. He pointed out that I was single and didn’t have kids, I should want to be at work. I quit a few weeks after I got back from my vacation.
We are really only friends because we work together. Please don’t force me into an unsolicited viewing of a video of your daughters dance recital, which was 13 fucking minutes long!!!!
I love this. As a Spanish speaker, I get a lot of amusement when speaking Spanish around an angry non-Spanish speaking person and watching them lose their shit. We weren’t talking about you before, but we definitely are now.
He is the scariest combination of evil and incompetent. I guess one way or another, we were going to get screwed by trumpcare. Yes, it is trumpcare now.
Even for preteen humor, it’s not even funny. There whole demo seems to be the dudebro crowd you see at your local chicken wing eatery.
He tries until someone informs him that, “um, Mr. President, NBC doesn’t actually have a broadcast license. NBC is broadcast by it’s independent affiliates who are the ones who actually have the broadcast licenses.” And then they’d distract with some colors or something.
I don’t think many have anointed the media as keepers of the flame. But in this day and age, they are really the only check we have on what would be unlimited exercise of power by a government that is basically under the control of one party. But I agree with you on cable news, it’s basically unwatchable. But I don’t…
As another Texan, agreed.