Argentinian and racist are pretty much synonyms.
Argentinian and racist are pretty much synonyms.
Yep, that’s blake farenthold, congressman from a thoroughly gerrymandered district in south texas, a district map that went through many revisions to ensure the area’s majority hispanic population was diluted.
Text “resist” to 50409 and let your senator know today that taking health insurance away from 25 million people is not a solution. Even if your senators are John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, you have the right to be heard. Don’t let it go to waste.
Being from Texas, I can confirm that this guy is a real piece of shit, a terrible human being without any redeeming qualities.
The plan is to take them back into custody, and then figure it out.
Yeah but most people don’t think it’s actual insurance that you buy, they’ve been poisoned by right wing propaganda that it’s some government-run hand out that’s only for lazy poor people leaching off the system.
You must be talking about Texas. I remember when my grandparents were on Medicaid, the social workers tried on multiple occasions to get them to sign their house over. They responded with an absolutely fucking not.
These stories are heart-wrenching but necessary. I have shared one of my own with Katie. I know everyone has one like this that concerns yourself, family member or a friend. We should get those stories out there to anyone who will listen. Send these stories to your elected officials, share them on social media. I…
Why wasn’t cheap reliable transportation like this good enough?
And hitler was just trying to consolidate.
OK, snowflake.
His four children are American citizens.
I think one striking example of this is when you hear mainstream Democrats talk about something like single payer healthcare. They see it as a pipe dream, a fantasy, not as something that with the right amount of focus and communication can be achieved. They do this with a lot of progressive issues. They water them…
I believe that. It’s like the law of instrument. When you give a person a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail. If you give someone like this guy an assault rifle, he will start looking for any reason to use it.
I don’t think he has the balls to go full Nazi, he’s afraid.
It’s 20 fucking 17! How do people like this still exist?!
All you have to do is say your beliefs are sincere, then discriminate away.
It doesn’t get said enough, but open carry laws, like stand your ground laws, only apply to white people. A black guy with a gun in public is a criminal until proven otherwise, which is never.
After 38 years of identifying myself as Hispanic, sometimes latino, very rarely chicano, now I have to add Latinx? It almost seems like this term just cropped up overnight, and now it’s everywhere. Why do we need another label?
Yes, the other one is the moron.