Well, I am sure their internal investigation will be completely objective and without bias.
Well, I am sure their internal investigation will be completely objective and without bias.
Is it me, or does the Ted Cruz tweet come off creepy AF?
But think of all the rich people who have to make due with just two vacation homes because they pay so much in taxes.
You must admit though, when said with a spanish accent, it sounds so refined.
Can someone show me one fucking republican appointment that isn’t dirty as hell, and looking to line their own pockets?
To white people, they all mean the same thing. So now the words we get labeled by have to be gender neutral.
One day, I woke up and Latinx was a term. We already had Hispanic, Latino, Chicano. I didn’t think we needed another one.
Does anyone really think poor people will put off paying for things like food, clothes, and shelter to pay insurance premiums and be content to wait for a tax credit at the end of the year? No doubt these tax credits will be complicated so that very few will take advantage of them.
I wish I lived in this guy’s district so I could vote for him.
I usually make the lemonade using one of those cans of frozen concentrate, but instead of using regular water, I use soda water. Mix that using 2 parts lemonade and 1 part vodka. That by itself is pretty potent, but mix it with some beer and it’s damn delightful. Being a Texan, the cheap beer of choice is lone…
I know these guys don’t work for free. Who is paying for these guys?
Yes, there were many open committee hearings held on it, and the Republicans offered up hundreds of amendments, many of which ended up in the bill. Some people and their false equivalency BS.
Yes some people may have said that they hadn’t read yet it at the time they were asked about it, but that’s where the similarity ends. Plus, it took a year for Obamacare to pass, they held many open committee hearings on it, and the Republicans were given ample opportunity to make amendments to it, to which they did,…
To add on to organized religion, it gives humans a false sense of superiority. People see their religion as absolute truth, and when they align their politics with their religion, their politics also become absolute.
So you will know why he is let off with only 3 months probation later. Do you seriously think the law applies equally to everyone?
Seriously, if he feels the need to apologize after the fact, then it wasn’t consensual.
Well done.
Why do I suspect that because of some technicality, he won’t have to register as a sex offender?
This is great and all, but I fear all this is a distraction from the disastrous healthcare bill currently making its way in total secrecy through the Senate. This is investigation is going to go forward no matter what. We need to stop that fucking bill.