Well ... they only believe Agent Orange-Elect is going to take it away from the poors who are also the coloreds (in addition to the middle-class coloreds).
Well ... they only believe Agent Orange-Elect is going to take it away from the poors who are also the coloreds (in addition to the middle-class coloreds).
If he were African American, he would be a “thug.” If he were Muslim, he would be a “terrorist.”
No, we do not have a nuclear missile defense shield, sorry. We’ve been trying to build one since Reagan and his Star Wars initiative, but it isn’t close to working yet.
“Personal responsibility” is so 1990s, when Democrats were in charge. When Bush was elected (and hosed up a big chunk of the Middle East), they switched to “Mistakes were made.”
Thank God this is on the docket and being heard before whatever batshit-crazy-flag-humping troglodyte former Goldman Sachs ass-monkey Trump appoints is seated on the court.
Yep, he was the lesser of evils because Hilly sent three emails that were later marked classified. Nothing illegal, and nothing the Republican SecStates didn’t do before her. Trump has never done anything that bad. /s
It wasn’t a “brash” move, Mike. It was ignorant and undiplomatic in a volatile region with a nuclear “frenemy.” Yes, it will be “interesting” to see how it plays out, but unlikely to the benefit of us or our allies in the region.
Perhaps. If you were watching the last year and a half as a soap opera and aren’t really living in a United States that has an Orange Asshat as President-Elect, it might seem like hyperbole.
No, he’s a Russian puppet.
Or how about those regulations that prevent companies from cutting milk with toxic waste? Or those regulations that try to prevent you from eatting diseased meat? Or maybe those regulations that try to keep them from dumping toxic waste into your water table. Companies have long ago proven themselves willing to kill…
Health insurance costs were already skyrocketing, and 40 million people were underinsured or had no insurance at all. The average rate of increase in health care has actually been lower than it was before Obamacare. The states that tried to make Obamacare work have been very successful. The states that obstructed…
I get your point as well, and it’s valid in many cases. But context matters. When a bully punches a skinny nerd, that’s wrong. But when the nerd punches the bully back, then yes, that’s definitely ok. Trump has made it his signature to “punch down” at people who can’t defend themselves. He deserves to get treated as…
All of them together don’t have close to the resources to pay for what they’ve done.
So many of the larger issues in the campaign were really not issues. Employment is higher than it’s been since the 1990s under Bill Clinton. New jobs were created at twice the rate under Obama than under G.W. Bush, and the stock market grew faster than it did under Republicans, even when you ignore the period of the…
I would call it something more like, “people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.”
Here’s a note to stimulate conversation: Trump has been a draft dodger, ridiculed John McCain for being captured, likewise for veterans with PTSD, and has little knowledge about national defense (e.g., the nuclear triad), and he probably hasn’t paid taxes in years (and thus paid little to support soldiers and…
IDEA: buy one for yourself attach it whenever you park illegally and remove when you leave.
I read your link, and it’s people who voted, Dems 7,000 more than Repubs. We don’t know which way they voted, unless you conduct exit polls (which that article was not referring to). So, slightly more Dems have cast early votes in Florida, but we don’t know which candidate they voted for. Best guess is that more…