Ned Reed

I’m changing my answer to what you said

Whenever I hear someone go , “But why now? Why all these women now?” Let me use my experience and simple rational logic to explain WHY NOW.

If you have an ice dispenser, it’s pretty bloody obvious because of the puddles of water of the floor. Ask me how I know...

His “New Deal” for black people is probably pretty much like his “Make America Great Again” which is a thinly veiled paean to the 1950s, when men were the breadwinners, women knew their place, kids respected their elders, and all the non-whites were supporting characters willing to be ordered around and condescended

18 months? Hahahaha, if only that were true. Pence is already running for 2020.

Take the high road, and pity them. These are the people who believe the Republican theme of “be afraid!” They’re afraid of so many things: black people, brown people, taxes, immigrants, Muslims, atheists, strong women, the poor and disadvantaged, losing their guns, the war on Christmas, the war on Christians, death

It’s just human nature. It takes a special person to admit to him/herself that they have been wrong. Trump’s followers are a different kind of “special.”

Yes, in Florida absentee (vote-by-mail) ballots, the voter signs the outside of the envelope (not the ballot itself). The office of each county’s Supervisor of Elections compares the signature on each envelope with the signature they have on file for your registration. Very dedicated staff.

For crying out loud, everyone, stop crying “false flag.” The solution to this is not paranoia or finger pointing.

I appreciate and respect the sentiment, the bravery, and the integrity in taking a stand even in the face of violent opposition.

This seems to be his tactic whenever a woman challenges him. He called Megyn Kelly unattractive.

I’m going to give the Republicans a little advice here.

There was always a certain amount of innuendo in it, but now it’s really in one’s face, isn’t it?

She’s very pretty, but that photograph looked nothing like her to me. I really thought it was someone else entirely that she was bragging about hanging out with.

It’s journalistic quicksand for a moderator at a debate to step in and try to right every wrong or correct every comment.

Obama exits from an ass, as opposed to Heil Trumpler, who talks out of his.

It’s kind of twisted, but he if he actually bought, and read her book, I’m marginally impressed with his dedication.

Every once in awhile (maybe once a month at the most) my wife and I will be sitting in a restaurant, or shopping or something, and I’ll see some guy that for whatever reason seems attractive to me. And I’ll tell her “See, that’s the type I would go for if I were Bi or Gay”. Then she’ll usually say, “Hmm, then I would

You don’t set a bug engine with a timing light. You do it with a cold engine with the engine not running.