
Ash - “Do me a favor will ya, thank your mother for me. She passed her genes to you in all the right places.”

Kelly - “My mother died in a car accident six months ago.”

Ash - “ know in the future, you might just want to say sure I’ll tell her. Because dropping a bomb like that on somebody you just met is

just a quck correction here. Vader isn’t and has never been the “leader of the empire”.

TIL that there can be levels of extermination.

The politically incorrect asshole inside is screaming “Magnegro”.


More evidence that GOTG is the best Farscape three-parter ever made.

No, that’s the Christopher Reeve limited edition model.

and that’s why he’s playing Druss The Legend!

That is not proper respectable English magic!

Yeah, is there some coupon code you forgot to post? Because as soon as I click your link for the speakers, the page lists them as 89.99 not 59.99 as you claim. Where are you getting this information?

Yeah, is there some coupon code you forgot to post? Because as soon as I click your link for the speakers, the page


Am I the only person who finds Miss Mcarthy painfully unfunny? Her casting is the only thing that made this missable for me. Wiig might save it for me though. I’m not familiar with the other two.

Agent Carter in 1940s Hollywood?

Well, he IS the firestarter...

Man of Steel’s huge problem was that is was NOT a Superman movie.

Wouldn’t that actually be “Jayne, you ignorant slut!”

Mommy I don’t wanna scroll down to the comments anymore.

This is how a live action Joker should look like. Not all dirty and scummy.