
Yeah, is there some coupon code you forgot to post? Because as soon as I click your link for the speakers, the page lists them as 89.99 not 59.99 as you claim. Where are you getting this information?

Yeah, is there some coupon code you forgot to post? Because as soon as I click your link for the speakers, the page

I need the sound file for the grunt yelling “Ow ow ow! I regret everything!” ... for reasons.

Majin Buubs! That's me! I laughed way too hard when I saw that picture, but it's worth it to know she shows up in other people's games.

Ah yes... "Reapers"...

I fondly remember Wing Commander and it's sequels, I loved Freelancer and Privateer(1 and 2). Hell, it was Wing Commander that prompted me to buy a joystick for my PC in the first place. I never got into flight sim games where you were piloting real planes. Give me Wing Commander where I was flying the Rapier

Cave Johnson for President!!!

Sooo... if they don't really sell Crushers... who did I send my money to just now?

That's a crusher. We sell them too. ^_^ Where can I buy one!

Just as a heads up, another DC Radio Station, DC101, actually spoke with Hatrtley's mother and she even said on the show that the kid never played any GTA or anything of that sort.