I’m not entirely sure about that. The Talon grunts look like Soldier: 76 reskins (and to that effect, I hope we get that look as a 76 skin), the sniper looks like a reskinned Ana (again, also hope we get that as an Ana skin) and the Heavy resembles a modified Winston model with Gatling guns instead of his Tesla…
“after a lot of soul searching, the team decided to focus on new ideas ideas people outside of the development teams give a shit about.”
Your American-centric argument flies in the face of the fact that videogames are global. Most of the same gun-ho games that come out in the US come out everywhere else in the world too. Why is it only Americans going into murderous sprees? It’s not games, the critical factors are more likely to be specific to your…
Counterpoint: No.
That sounds amazing. Now if only I could play all those indies without the “owning a Vita” part, that would be ideal.
I’m here to dispute the implicit claim that shipping mostly devolves into same-sex couples. There are plenty of straight pairings, we are drowning in them. You just don’t hear about them because... Well, they don’t stand out. That’s what happens when you are the norm.
Remember that Bayo 2 was the one that got a physical release. The eShop best sellers really are only indicative of a game’s overall performance when it’s a digital only-release.
Hanzo. Fuck the haters lmao (also Mei).
Take a break. We all need it from time to time. Contrary to what Destiny fanatics will have you believe, playing the same thing forever isn’t healthy.
Nah, if anything they are probably gonna shorten that cooldown. In those 6 seconds it takes her to be able to heal a measly 150 HP again, Mercy can heal 360 HP, Ana can heal 450 HP and Moira can heal 480 HP. And that 75AP? You don’t get to keep it, it goes away after 5 seconds whether you take damage or not (unlike…
They are taking a page from Valve. Sadly, and much like Valve, they are big enough to get away with it.
I just finished Divinity Original Sin 2 this week. Getting ready to dive into the Windows Edition of Final Fantasy XV this Tuesday. So, in the spirit of catching up with more things, I will attempt to start and finish Deus Ex Mankind Divided over the weekend.
I know I’m probably a fool for hoping that after 30 years of working on Metal Gear someone at Konami has to be able to make a half decent MGS game.
It’s a complaint they invited and one they need to hear if there is to be any future for the franchise post-Kojima.
You don’t get to cash in on the name recognition without picking up the baggage that comes with it. They could have called this anything else and we would have been none the wiser, but they decided to call it Metal Gear because they knew it would draw more attention. Well, they got it.
Gyro aiming works amazingly with Pro Controller, to the point that I often forget to even touch the second stick. Only way I play Splatoon.
To be fair, Rime ran like shit on every platform it came out on. The optimization for this game was just bonkers.