
Fantastic tat, dude! Omg that is adorable, love the slight redesign. 10/10 ink

Well, if you happen to be me and you think Koroks are the single best creature design in all 35 years of Zelda, this is a great choice! Not only that, but that one in particular is Makar, the best Korok boi out there! I have held this opinion for 20 years now (since I played Wind Waker on the Gamecube) so now I’m

Damn, Shadows of Doubt sets the bar waaaay too high for the rest of the indies in that list lol

Mooncrash is also fantastic! And it’s also kinda stand-alone so you can play it without finishing Prey and still enjoy the story! The events on the moon happen simultaneously as the events on Talos-1 during Prey so you are not missing anything, it’s a parallel story.

Dishonored is a good stealth game, but it doesn’t go nearly as far down the immersive sim rabbit hole as Prey. Like, Prey is really trying to weave this simulation of systems and exploration that at the best of times come together to enable player expression, freedom and situations with a dizzying amount of potential

So you never found the Telepath or the Technopath or the Weaver or the Nightmare or the Poltergeist or the drones? 

Sci-fi Horror Masterpiece is exactly the right way to describe Prey. My favorite Arkane game and probably the closest we are gonna get in the near future to what a true sequel to System Shock 2 would be like. 

Don’t forget Valorant.

Who is proud of what exactly?

Nothing, I was just curious about how much more you could seethe lol

This is the take.

They don’t care about you, Irving. People are still buying Witcher 3 every time it goes on sale from this “piece of shit transphobic company.” Nobody is sabotaging this along with you. 

What do you mean by this? They sell those emotes. 

Wait, what do you mean under Sony? Naughty Dog is notorious for their crunch culture. 

Worth noting that “Coco” is one of the ways we refer to the boogeyman in Spanish. Fue” is half of fuego which is Spanish for fire, so his name could be interpreted as “fire boogeyman.” Possible Ghost/Fire typing for later evolutions partially inspired by ghost peppers?

I mean cool? I don’t see why Microsoft would want to give Valve a 30% cut out of all their subs tho, specially when GP is still not making them money hand over fist.

I don’t think a game about a princess whose super power is getting emotional would fly these days. 

They are just roommates

Same lmao. Goes to show that 200k subs or whatever is really just a drop in the ocean of gamers out there.

If by “new stuff” you mean cosmetics, sure lol.