
You want... Bungie to shut down Destiny and offer full refunds?

I held off for the inevitable PC version of this and I’m so glad I did. I can’t hardly wait! Bring it on, Squeenix!

Starred for the sentiment, but it will never happen :(

Now playing

Oh yes, and they were all awful. The last one was Mario Tennis Ultra Smash for the WiiU and it was the biggest dumpsterfire of the franchise. I thought they would kill it for good after this:

Mario Power Tennis for the GameCube was the last great Mario Tennis game. If this is anything like that, I’m all in.

No, I think you are confused about what the point even is. You not liking this guys has jackshit to do with the fact that there is no correlation between performing a character on camera and cheating on your wife 😂

Jeff said he “would be in touch” with the guy, so, it worked.

I wasn’t all that impressed... Until I got to the Animal Crossing ones

Unrelated: Can we get a Compete podcast? I remember thinking when you and Maddy were guests at Splitscreen “I would listen the shit out of a podcast with these two.

So, um, videogames amirite.

Kinja infinite scroll strikes again.

one too many “is” lol

Now playing

No love for Prey’s? Aw c’mon, Mick Gordon knocked it out of the park once again. That guy just doesn’t know how to do anything short of excellent. In this case, the soundtrack is so emblematic of the themes and atmosphere of the game that I feel like I could imagine an approximation of Talos-1 and the overall

For anyone confused, this is a completely new category of weapon—the Squeezers—as opposed to a variation of a pre-extisting one. Its unique trait being that you can shoot it as a single-shot weapon, or at a higher fire-rate at the cost of less damage per shot.

Seriously, if I could get the game cheaper without the Zombie mode portion, I’d buy it instead of the normal game.

Very timely. I needed more local multiplayer options on Switch for the holidays, because I’m getting tired of family dragging me into Mario Kart. MK it’s still great, but it’s nice to sometimes play something else with people lol

haha thanks.

Right, and my point still stands. If we start taking performative acts at face value, acting is not only dead, but you are positing that it has always been a farce used by people to show who they “truly are” (asshole, psycopath, whatever the fuck, because where do you draw the line?). If you can’t see the