This just makes me feel all the luckier that the missus is also a gamer. We don’t talk about our day over dinner, we do it over Mario Kart, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
This just makes me feel all the luckier that the missus is also a gamer. We don’t talk about our day over dinner, we do it over Mario Kart, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Welp, I guess that’s it for acting. Time to look for human remains in Anthony Hopkins’ freezer.
I don’t think you understand the nature of the relationship between a [successful] streamer and their audience. This isn’t a curt boss-employee relationship, the reason he has over a million people tune in is in large part due to the personalized approach.
That’s awesome, he should do that more often. Or at least try to communicate his intentions to the rest of the team and try to find a middle ground (“I’ll try Sym for the first half of the match, if it doesn’t work I’ll switch” or something along those lines), as long as they aren’t dog piling on him from the word…
And I’m just saying that if essentially all you ever do is ask others to conform to your singular idea of fun, every time, every match, for the entirety of your Overwatch experience (across multiple accounts even), then maybe that’s a problem too. Should he have to forsake Symmetra forever and bow to the every whim of…
That’s democracy for you. It’s not meant to please everyone, it’s meant to service the majority. I will be right there with you in regards to bemoaning the way others treat him and are frankly toxic towards him in a way no one should ever be over a matter of videogames and fictional characters, but if he is leaving a…
What do you mean? Steevo can report them back for toxic behavior. The same tools available to people reporting him are available to him.
I’m not necessarily disagreeing with that, I’m saying every other member of the team can spew that right back at you. Everyone in a match paid $60 bucks to be there and your $60 bucks aren’t worth more than theirs. If you feel they are spoiling your fun, I’m afraid you are gonna need a stronger argument than “i paid…
It’s astonishing to me that you managed to go through 2 paragraphs of hand-wringing without stopping once to consider the position you are putting all 5 other players. You seem very sympathetic to the plight of the one Symmetra player, so why don’t you extend that sympathy to the rest of the team? They have as much of…
Yeah, I just came to say iOS port is cool and all, but Switch when?
I dunno, I still think the dogpiling on him was unfair to say the least. Yeah, Fish is a bit of an asshole, but he is still just one loudmouth expressing his opinions. It does not compare to the hundreds of similar assholes spewing vitriol through every avenue they can reach him.
I mean, if you didn’t get a WiiU, why does it matter if, say, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe or Pokken Tournament DX got ported over from the previous console? You never played them, they are new to you.
Those aren’t charge lights, they tell which player that controller corresponds to. The battery charge lights are up top.
I’m so glad you stopped by just to let me know I touched a nerve! Try not to pop a vein reading this one, or do.
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