
Do you hate Epic or Fortnite, or the basic concept of battle royale as a gameplay style? Just curious, I have no dog in this fight nor do I care to get involved. But your comment just seems pretty vitriolic for the ruin of a company just because some people recognize some of the short emotes.

Yea but free publicity, good or bad, will work to his benefit, regardless of the outcome of the trial. And he gets a chance to stir the pot, so why not.

They get almost as many things wrong about cars as they do with guns.

I saw a ladder come off a work truck while driving to work two years ago. When I got to the office I called the CHP and reported where the ladder was, the description and license plate of the vehicle the ladder came off of, and the name of the company in big bold letters along the side of the vehicle.

Stock brakes suck on most cars once they’ve got some heat in them. Ever tried to do a panic stop on a downhill when you’ve already been riding your brakes on the way down?

At least the naming of the Mazda Mazda3 is no worse than the Ferrari TheFerrari.

Is there any sort of resource constraint or limit of some kind or can you wander essentially forever until you find what you are looking for and start taking whatever actions are allowed by the game?


Although you are correct that the plate being affixed to a bumper that sticks out farther than the back panel of the truck would cause the plate to shift apparent positions, if you trace the lines of convergence it does indeed seem to imply that it’s different trucks.

I’ve been doing this and advocating this for years since the article first came out. It frustrates me that the retention rate for people has been practically nil though. As though they’re unable to break a bad habit that takes almost no effort to break.

Your statement about Eva is similar to my stance on the movie Jaws. If you think the movie is about a big shark that eats a lot of people, you’ve missed the point entirely.

A friend of mine going through the same sort of angst said pretty much the same thing and now years later it still remains his favorite.

My first reaction was dismay at the giant blind spots and upward sloping (and already high) beltline going rearwards.

200+??? LOL wow. I figured it was more, didn’t figure on it being 200+, I only saw like 20-30 in his lot when I picked up the Type R.  More power to him.  He did tell me he was looking to expand into Orange County, which would be nice.  

Of course. He’s basically using more than his fair share of an available resource at the expense of everyone around him. The gray area is that he’s not violating the letter of the law, but the spirit of it.

I recently rented a Turo (A Civic Type R, fun to drive) from a guy who owns a fleet of what seems to be about 20-30+ cars.  Except he actually runs it as a business with assistants and he owns his own secured lot.  So yea, it seems like a few people have turned Turo into a business model, apparently quite

Pictures like this are why one of my favorite Reddit subs to navigate is /r/crappyoffbrands.

Just last week I was visiting a friend of mine when I glimpsed this car roll by in a residential street.  My buddy told me it’s owned by a guy down the street.  Not being a car guy he had no idea what it was, but I knew.  I KNEW.  Started Googling around a bit and of *course* Jalopnik covered this very same car in an

There’s a long story that I might share at some other Time, but not today.  :)

I tend to see a lot of simple or easy spelling and/or grammatical mistakes in most (if not all) of the columns.  While I don’t mind most of the Time, I do get to wondering how much energy is put into editing the stories before they are put on the site.  Or am I fundamentally not understanding about the process of how