
She is also a girl who doesn’t have long hair, a Floridian who doesn’t want everyone to be armed, and a teenager who is composed and articulate in the face of tragedy. So naturally they are confused.

she scares the SHIT outta these “adults”.

SAME which is why I am so angry these people keep coming for her.

I’m 42. If I wind up being 1/10 the woman Emma Gonzalez is right this very second, I will consider it a win. I’m in absolute awe of her.

Damn it this pisses me off. She is a teenager.

Also, Rep. King is forever banned from going to any St. Patrick’s Day parades. Oh, and since he’s in favor of banning the displaying of flags of regimes that took away peoples’ rights and fought for bad causes, he should really stop displaying that Confederate Flag on his fucking desk.

You have to be some kind of evil to go after a teenage girl who survived a school shooting. Like you truly have to be the worst type of person. Monsters.

Rep. Steve King.

It’s also ironic because they think one of the solutions to school shootings is anti-bullying measures and yet they are bullying a teenager.

Vote vote vote vote vote. Vote in every local election. Vote every time they crack the door to the polling place. Fucking VOTE.

“Errol said that he can “barely remember” his stepdaughter’s mother Heide even though their were married for 18 years”

It’s so weird to me that no one ever seems to talk about the fact that Elon Musk grew up in apartheid South Africa. With that context in mind, when he talks about his father doing horrible things, one can imagine that his dad having a baby with his own step-daughter is probably far from the worst thing his father has

When one of your parents is an awful human being, it’s OK to say so out loud. See how that works Ivanka?

He’s like the awkward IT guy at work that always comes to help instead of telling you to “turn it off and back on again”, but he wears just a leeetle too much colognel

He’s a venture capitalist and a bit of a strong persona but given how he’s probably the world leader for not killing the planet right now I say good for him.

She implied that Woody Allen had already been cleared by a court.

I prefer this account, because it doesn’t presume that all bloggers are a band of righteous warriors, or that the articles cited here weren’t objectively middling.

This guy’s character has been suspect for a bit now. Seeing the sketches that are being produced under his eye started that, but your account of a pre-fame

Che said in one of his specials that having Trump as president would be funny or entertaining. Like that’s what we want in a president.

I knew Michael Che back in 2008 / 2009. He was a fledgling comedian in NYC and attended many of the same open mics I was attending. His sets were unmemorable with lazy jokes about girls and race, but he was quite popular with the mostly dude regulars and I guess well connected. I left NYC in 2010 and moved to LA. When