
She was interning on the set of a sci fi show starring Halle Berry not working directly with Weinstein. Her parents probably thought it would be an interesting and educational experience

Bobby Three Sticks has his hand on a dead-man’s switch, I’m almost certain of it. By that I mean: if anything should happen to Mueller’s role in this investigation, a shit-ton of sealed indictments will be unsealed. The AGs of NY will take up the criminal part of this investigation, and the clear trail of money

I get a lot of comfort from remembering that mueller is much smarter than trump and will have prepared for all contingencies.

I agree. There’s already enough whining about wanting “new blood” on the progressive side. Why don’t people understand that isn’t how experience works?

Came here to say exactly this. These are the Republicans who always speak out against him (whether or not they do anything is another story...)

Congress won’t do shit if he goes through with firing all the people until he can fire Mueller.

How many red lines has he crossed already? Honestly he can clearly do whatever the hell he wants to, and unless Republicans pass legislation protecting Mueller and making him fully independent, we’re always going to have this hanging over our heads. They managed to kill the Congressional investigation, it’s just a

I don’t think Harry and Maghan will last. Which makes me 1. Horribly cynical 2. Way too invested in celebrity gossip. I don’t know why I read gossip, I like myself a little less every time

I think it’s Barbra, not Barbara.

A very dear friend of mine worked at the British consulate when Charles was coming to NY for his Environmental Warrior blah blah award. What Tom Bower wrote is exactly what I heard about that trip. Charles and Camilla drove everyone at the Consulate insane with their demands to the point where my friend asked for a

Probably because Anne wants nothing to do with any of it, especially after the kidnapping attempt.

I also think she wishes it were Anne who would succeed her.

Oh, the irony over the fact that Trump might not be done in Mueller but by a #metoo inspired porn star who hired herself a pitbull of an attorney.

Is that woman ever gonna tell us what she was thinking?!

It’s characteristic of strategic thinking. You gotta know how to phrase it, and how to find it.

I agree that it takes no talent to “use Google.” Respectfully, though, I think it is a talent when I can make Google spit out the name of the book my teacher read to us in third grade or find Cole Haan boots that were discontinued six years ago for my husband. That’s Google-fu.

A journalist is making fun of someone for having a talent for research.. let that sink in.

You know what’s so weird? His great-grandfather Armand Hammer, who he’s named for, was a major owner of Arm & Hammer. But the name is totally unrelated!

When you’re in line to inherit something from Armand Hammer, you don’t fuck around. (Armie Hammer was born in 1986; Armand Hammer died in 1990. Staying in good with the old man could move the inheritance needle by millions.) 

Thank you - I am so tired of all the complaining about the Dems. Good work is really happening.