
The entire maternal side of Meghan’s family seems to be managing just fine without turning into a salty, thirsty, embarrassing hot mess.

He is attractive enough. Lookswise he is definitely in the same league as this girl who has had intensive plastic surgery but still needs two hours of hair and makeup to go outside. Personality-wise, he seems about as oblivious of her as she probably is of him. Good luck to Stormi (still a stupid name but not as dumb

Heigel’s chai recipe sounds horrible. I cringed at the preground spices she tossed in. Cinnamon, Nutmeg and Cardamom don’t really dissolve, so the texture has to be on the paste-y/gritty side. Better to infuse your milk and water with spices (whole preferably) and then add your tea to that.

There is no chance that Harry is a Trump or Brexit supporter. If anything, it was Meghan’s dad misinterpreting Harry following the family line of not making statements about politics.

I forgot about Smith. He was incredibly attractive, and obviously physically beautiful as well as nice, although for a long-term relationship I’d take Harry any day of the week.

I think those conservatives are talking about a time when women were docile & “knew their place”.

So my friend sent me the link to Roseanne’s son’s instagram. Somehow he’s even more appalling than she is. A sample, if you will; he uploaded a video of an unsuspecting group of Asian people waiting at an airport gate. Sitting, doing nothing really and unaware that he’s filming. He captioned it, “airport creatures”.

As a world, we have been brainwashed by bandage dresses and leggings into thinking ‘the tighter the better’. The dress was beautiful.

Wickstead is actually popular with the entire Royal Family, not just Kate, and Meghan has already worn custom Emilia Wickstead (like a week before the wedding maybe?), so this seems... unwise on Wickstead’s part.

That does not look like meghan’s. And FWIW, Meghan’s dress instantly reminded me of this one:

Her wedding dress was quite loose.

I believe you can go ahead and change that headline to “Designer *Once* Popular With Kate Middleton Starts Royal Wedding Dress Beef.”

I thought that Meghan’s dress looked tasteful, ladylike, elegant and chic. Can’t people just leave it alone?

It was fun while it lasted. I knew there would be too many white women that would find something to nitpick about Meghan and her wedding, and attempt to diminish her one way or another. I hope she is not naive and expected it, and she is enjoying her honeymoon.

Given how Theroux totally exploited Aniston to advance his career, I’m thinking the tattoo is really about him being a total rat.

Or a reminder of imperialist cruelty to the former colonies to this citizen of a former colony. We remain fucked up for many reasons including Britain’s penchant for drawing arbitrary borders and amalgamating people who have no shared identity.

Am I the only one who really liked the wedding dress? It was clean, modern, no freaking lace in sight, looked gorgeous to the touch, and appropriate for the occasion without being stodgy. Yeah, the night-time reception dress is cooler in all ways, and I’d rather wear it if I had a zillion dollars and a fancy party to

Louis was there! And, because I can’t separate television from reality, I was SCREAMING about it. They all entered together. Louis and Gina Torres seemed to arrive solo (she separated from Laurence Fishburne earlier this year/late last year). She had a fedora-type hat and a red and grey patterned dress with long