
I’m with you on the simple and nice pleasures; watching high school competitions/sports games always makes me so happy for some reason! Something about seeing a world unto its own that we all once were in.
Also, “Crime Hat” cracked me up good. 

Imagine your worst public trans nightmare, scale it back by 10%, and imagine it for several hours straight. Also it may set on fire. That is MegaBus.

Yes! Good on you! I got rid of ALL social media a couple years back and literally never, ever miss it. Every once in a while someone will show me an old friend on Facebook, and I get extremely curious, look for about five seconds, then never think about it again. If people want to reach out to me, cool. I don’t have

I spent over an hour hooking up my folks tv/firestick/stereo system/everything else so they could watch that shit. (I’m also watching that shit.)

Thank you for sharing photos of the gorgeous beach and gorgeous doggin. :)

Depression is a tricky thing. He may not be ABLE to see where he is mentally and how it affecting you. Nobody wants to be depressed, and if we could all take an “I don’t want to be depressed” pill we would, but depression may not be letting him clearly see how he is affecting others. It could be helpful to tell him

Sending good vibes to you and Bucky. I have a dog I feel similarly about, and my god vet trips just go from $100ish bucks to nearly $1k so fucking fast. Agreed with the other commenter that once you figure out what it is, it will probably be cheaper. You and Bucky got this. <3

Please report back and let us know how the doggin’ trip went! I needs cheering up.

I actually just broke up with them this afternoon. I have 2 wonderful friends that are aware and that I’m going to be leaning on a lot. Thank you so much for your words and love. It means a lot right now.

Thank you for your words. I can’t express how they felt to read, except, extremely needed. They’re hitting me deeply.

Empathizing with your loss, and so sorry to hear about your troubles. Internet hugs.

You sound like an incredibly strong and aware person. I am sending every positive vibe your way for, like, the rest of your life. Agree with the commentor that we need more of you. I’m in a similar position with the “I can’t believe it happened to me.” and it’s heartbreaking- like breaking my own heart. Of all my

I’m seconding hiking, even if you’re not a nature person. You just walk, it’s (hopefully) nice out, and soon you don’t even realize your brain has kind of been doing its own relaxing and sorting things out. It ends up being quite nice. Sometimes you even see a doggo.

The world needs more people like you. especially in healthcare.

Go. You. All of these things you’re doing are net positive for yourself and you should be fucking proud!

Thinking many positive thoughts and sending every positive vibe your way. 

You are going to have an amazing time. Huntington is wonderful; keep in mind it’s only in a designated area (I think between lifeguard stations?) and they do enforce it. My pup and I are always working on reactivity so we don’t go anymore, but it’s lovely. As for food in Huntington- Go to Mama’s on 39!!! :)

That is awesome about the appointments! Was it weird or cool or both?

As for firsts, not to bring the mood down, but I stood up to my emotionally abusive partner and, for the first real time, didn’t back down. It’s not boding well between us (he escalated the situation, started pulling random things into the

I am also a super preparer, and it has always (I think) served me well in job opportunities. I wish this for you, too! 

I’ve ALWAYS thought this in a, “how can no one else get this vibe?” way.