
I am SO here for all the wrestling crossover that’s been happening on Jez!

No joke. Just Kurt Angle’s face looks fuckin’ nuts.

Try the SquaredCircle Reddit.

It’s true.

As a current WWE fan and someone who watched GLOW all via youtube, I looooooved Netflix’s GLOW. The nods to wrestling history, winks to current day, pieces of history they chose to recreate exactly- are all my exact cup of tea. And I am mesmerized by Alison Brie and Betty Gilpin as actors. They’re just so... good. So

Depends where you are; some areas are more developed than others. One nickname is San Bernaghetto. Do your research. Generally not a great area. Redlands is a nice, quickly being developed bubble. It’s also extremely fucking hot, and fairly Republican.

I go to small claims court suing my landlord soon. Even though I am confident I’ll win, I keep picturing me doing something wrong or saying something wrong and I don’t get my deposit back, or something worse.


Came here to say this.

18 hours. A fucking kid in your lap for 18 hours in a space where no human fits already. I hope, and seriously doubt, anyone on that flight helped out. Poor woman.

This is literally the problem. There is a different between being a “type” and being a “stereotype”. If we challenge nothing then we gain nothing. You want things to go back to only stereotypes? You don’t think we should challenge the message WWE gives its paying audience? Do I still get to vote, too?

It’s a losing battle. Do I cancel my network sub because of that awful MITB match? Then “women don’t watch wrestling.”
Do I turn the TV off after a 60 second match? Again, then, “women don’t watch wrestling”
Do I leave the match because the dudes in front of me are screaming “Show us your tits!”? No, but I do ask

I hate that this is true.

I love that her collar has to have a Tile on it.

Also from LA. And thirding the “don’t have a commute” OR spend a couple hours everyday with one Zillow window open and another in Google Maps. Map by car, map by public trans. I don’t know what your budget is, but the UCLA area is fucked traffic and money-wise.

LA is the triangle where you will only ever achieve two

Agreed. If they wanted to “right” this scene they would do change the OTHER women- yknow the ones literally in a line to be sold.

As a female WWE fan, I enjoyed this interview, but I feel like some more research could have been done on today’s women’s wrestling scene. There’s a huge movement going on- The “women’s revolution” that would have been interesting to touch on and relate back to. Also Moolah is extremely problematic; she essentially

This is a majorly late reply, but as a woman WWE fan, I have to state- To everyone who says fans are getting worked about this and that’s the point- Fuck right off.

To have an inaugural women’s MITB match and hype it up like crazy, then have Ellsworth not interfere and help but literally unhook the briefcase for her,

I’m not an HGTV person, but I used to be able to stomach these two. These days, every article makes me want to strangle them. off the television.

Agree. I love coffee and am a Coffee Person, but cold coffee tastes like battery acid and makes me gag. even the super expensive good stuff.