
My lawyer advises me not to answer any further question.

“We made”? Is this a confession?

LOL @ the green car spinning a tire at idle on the tile floor.

Is that gangsta?

I feel like there’s a lot of kink-shaming in this article.

The funnel isn’t the problem addressed in the post.

+1 for the long funnel.

Did you time travel from the 50's?

Fill from the top and not the bottom?  That’s been my problem for all those years!

I’ve never heard of an engine bay being too cramped to fill it with oil easily...

That motor must burn a lot of it too.

Now playing

This is the only fake game I ever want to see in live-action form:

The best stories have an element of truth in them.

[KONG has entered the chat]

Build it and they will come

You’re mistaken if you believe that all, or even most, lawyers and software engineers make $500K+ yearly. To be sure, SOME do, but the vast majority would probably consider HALF that figure to be a very good year. 

Only $500,000 a year for 2-7 years when they are in their 20's? A couple million invested in your early 20's will go a long way. They can also leverage their “I played in the NFL” card which will open doors for them forever because the way that business bros and the general public worship grown men who can play with a

Looks more like it made it to almost 200k, needed a new engine, and the guy bought one with almost 100k on it?

Depending on just how (not) long ago, they may have objected to 16 year old you interacting with it in any way. 

(laughs in born in 80s)