
Maybe thinking the pregnant woman that waved for their help is causing the guilt (if she had a medical emergency, fetus related etc etc)? Loss of a baby is pretty devastating and to think you could have prevented it....and should’ve disobeyed command but it’s drilled into them to follow orders. He might of just froze

While originally based on the Accord, the big changes in later generations were the DOHC motor options that made them less Accord like and sportier in nature. Add in the aero design, better suspension, and various tech to increase performance (rear wheel steering, ATTS) they were more than what you are describing them

CPO Accord Sport would be a better fit for those car seats. Plus, Si is manual only...did you skip over the part that said it must be an automatic?

Mid 10s Explorer also was tighter inside than one would expect. It's a Ford thing for sure

Crash standards are just one part of the Federalization standards (lighting and emissions also depending on power trains used). Looks like Ford has ~6 plants building the EcoSport vs 1 for the Puma, which shows the cost reductions baked into the volume of the one. They'd likely have to increase the price of the Puma

Apparently the Puma is only assembled in one location (Romania) while the EcoSport is built in various facilities globally so likely didn't plan ahead to retool them to build it. 

Don’t forget your bear repellent and armored gear as well, you might have a “peaceful rally” to attend

Yeah, just grabbed the first image I found for reference. 

GreenN_Gold for Baylor?

my Fit, CR-Vs, and RAV4 all let me control the rear while locked out. Perhaps another brand specific thing?

Relevant because it existed next door (Mexico) and I’m sure a few have made it regularly across our border on the daily.

As I will. Using the phrase “seems like it came from” really makes it appear as you actual thought it But again keep on keeping on

I can’t see how much cost in wiring this would actually save... it’s a couple feet at most...

The reason it’s there was safety related - so your knee wouldn’t jam into it protruding from the steering column. It then became something as a defining “feature” which is why GM moved it in the 9-7x to try and make it more"Saab'" like

Yeah I guess I don’t find jokes that are pointedly about racism but completely not factual to be humorous (edit: I definitely used to make similar jokes to your post, but these ‘jokes’ just placate those that do think it's a funny subject or don't feel it exists). Maybe what you are seeing is that people don’t find

The third generation Neon (Dodge Dart relative) did have them, but the first and second gens were fronts only (optional)

At least they gave the PT all 4 power windows....the 2nd gen Neon it shared it’s platform with continued to only have power fronts available with manual back windows. 

Yeah this has nothing to do with racism and everything to do with making it easier and cheaper to build cars (less wires, less switches). 

Better than the Neon option...power windows for the fronts only, rears were manual... into the 00s!

Ahhh maybe a “security” feature if they all had locking glove boxes. Breaking into cars was a lot easier back then so maybe trying to address that issue without addressing the root cause due to cost constraints?